
Aviation Week Network’s projections show the share of basic trainers in the global fleet increasing from 32.5% to 35.6% over the decade.
Defense and Space

Aerospace & Defense

By Bernie Baldwin
In the week when the United Nations Secretary General, António Guterres, declared the latest report from the organisation’s Intergovernmental Panel on
Small Narrowbody Jets

尽管缺乏国际旅行,但美国的机队利用率目前仍位居世界前列,已经恢复到疫情前水平的80%左右,这主要是由于其国内航班需求。欧洲虽然只有疫情前水平的50%左右,但也终于从谷底回升。预计这两个地区的机队利用率将在夏季继续增长。 Despite the lack of international travel
AIr Transport & MRO

Air Transport & MRO

Sponsored by Embraer
Given that counter-insurgency operations in low-threat air environments will continue, is it possible to deliver mission effective Close Air Support and Air-Land Integration without the fast-jet price tag?
Light Attack and Advanced Training

This is an abbreviated version of the article - European Airlines Look To U.S. Reopening For Further Recovery Momentum - by Helen Massy-Beresford and
Air Transport

Air Transport & MRO

Air Transport & MRO

But the outlook for next-gen airliner and engine timing—and what they will look like—is less clear now than before the COVID-19 crisis.

AIr Transport & MRO

Air Transport & MRO

This is an abbreviated version of the AW&ST article - E-Commerce Fuels Air Cargo Growth While the aviation industry is still struggling with the
Air Transport

Is your FBO located in one airport with multiple FBOs, or are you a single airport or FBO? Either way, building awareness of your brand name and FBO
Business Aviation

This webinar took place July 29, 2021. Aviation Week Network, in collaboration with Rotorcraft Asia and Unmanned Systems Asia, is hosting a webinar to
Advanced Air Mobility

Air Transport & MRO

First flight of Lockheed Martin's U-2 took place accidentally on August 1, 1955. Aviation Week test pilot David North flew the Dragon Lady in 1999. Read his extensive pilot report.
Defense and Space

By Bernie Baldwin
Along with Africa, aviation in Central and South America is arguably one of the lesser developed air transport markets in the world. There is
Small Narrowbody Jets

ロールスロイス社は、イギリス・ブリストルにある試験場で出力2.5メガワットのハイブリッド・エレクトリックエンジンの地上試験を準備している。ノルウェー・トロンハイムの同社施設で製造されたジェネレーターおよびパワーエレクトロニクスシステムが納入され次第、開始される予定だ。 このジェネレーターと3
Air Transport & MRO

チャンギ国際空港(SIN)に対する政府支援や運航数の増加により、Singapore Airlines Engineering Company(SIAEC)社は2021年度第1四半期の黒字化に成功した。 同社は6月30日までの3ヶ月間で、1,450万シンガポールドル(約1,100万ドル
Air Transport & MRO

The orders in June this year were the highest monthly total seen since the start of COVID-19.
Air Transport

People wanting and needing to travel but not being able to rely on commercial scheduled airlines for various reasons has allowed turboprop and business jet utilization to recover from the impact of the pandemic.
Business Aviation

福岡国際空港株式会社のCCO(Chief Commercial Officer)・Chin Leong Teo氏は、全体的に見て日本の国内線マーケットは今後数ヶ月で急速に回復すると確信しているが、国際線の回復については慎重な見方を崩さなかった。
Air Transport & MRO

Despite the lack of international travel, the utilization rates in the U.S. is currently top in the world. It has recovered to about 80% of pre-COVID
Air Transport

今後10年間だけで世界の軍用機MRO需要は1.12兆ドルに達し、年間需要も2021年の1,060億ドルから2030年の1,200億ドルに拡大するとAviation Week Networkでは予想している。
Aerospace & Defense