Why Is Boeing Slowing Down All New Aircraft Plans? | ボーイング社の新型機開発計画が停滞している理由

Boeing’s 737-10, pictured during its first flight in June, is to enter service in 2023.
Credit: Boeing



ボーイング社の社長兼 CEO・David Calhoun氏は、同社の資金は現在進行中の737-10および777Xプログラムの認証取得、そして最も実施可能性が高い新型機の開発計画である、貨物型777Xに重点的に投入されると述べている。



もうひとつのファクターは、GE社とサフラン社の合弁会社であるCFM社が、RISE Open Fan推進システム実証機の開発を決定したことだろう。ボーイング社は次世代機の開発を左右する要素は、製造コストを含む機体技術であると強調し続けているが、ここにきてCalhoun氏が初めて新たな推進技術の重要性を強調した。

GE Aviation社は、RISEの研究開発により得られた技術を用いた新型エンジンが登場するのは2035年以降になるとしているが、2020年代末までに開発されるボーイング社の新型機に搭載されるLeapエンジンの改良型に、RISEの開発から得られた技術の一部を活用できる可能性は残されている。





エアバス社が計画通りの成長を達成するためには、サプライチェーンに対して増産に備えた投資を行うことにリスクがないことを納得させる必要がある。これについて、サフラン社CEO・Olivier Andries氏は「我々はすべての顧客、航空会社、リース会社からの声に注意深く耳を傾けている」とコメントしており、まだ多くの問題が残されているようだ。



Aviation Week Intelligence Network (AWIN) のメンバーシップにご登録いただくと、開発プログラムやフリートの情報、会社や連絡先データベースへのアクセスが可能になり、新たなビジネスの発見やマーケット動向を把握することができます。貴社向けにカスタマイズされた製品デモをリクエスト。 

Signs of life are returning to the commercial aerospace sector: Airlines are placing orders, profits are back, and aircraft builders and suppliers are once again arguing about how quickly production rates can be ramped up. But hanging over these positive indicators is a cloud of uncertainty about the industry’s long-term future. 

The outlook for when the next generation of commercial aircraft and engines will arrive—and what they will look like—is even less clear today than before the COVID-19 crisis. Many OEMs have discussed for years about next generation programs, but at this point, figuring out how such programs will evolve requires a reading of the tea leaves.

Boeing President and CEO David Calhoun says the company’s spending is focused on supporting certification of the ongoing 737-10 and 777X programs, as well as development of the 777X freighter—the next most likely new project on the manufacturer’s agenda.

But while money continues to be spent on current and near-horizon efforts, there is no disguising the general decrease in Boeing’s overall R&D outlay. In 2020, it was around $2.5 billion, down about 20% from 2019. The downward trend is continuing in 2021, with the company spending only $996 million net on R&D in the first six months of the year, of which a mere $524 million was allotted to BCA.

Money—or the lack of it—remains an issue for Boeing’s next-generation ambitions. But the question remains: Can Boeing really afford not to launch a new program when Airbus continues to grow its single-aisle production at the suggested pace? That could take Airbus far beyond 60% market share in the segment over the next few years and make Boeing’s position untenable.

Another factor likely will be General Electric-Safran joint venture CFM’s decision to develop the RISE Open Fan propulsion demonstrator. While Boeing continues to hammer home the message that airframe technologies, including production costs, will be critical to any go/no-go decision on a next-generation product, Boeing President and CEO for the first time is emphasizing the importance of new propulsion technology.

While GE Aviation says an all-new engine based on RISE technology research and development will not be ready until 2035, it is an open question as to whether individual elements of RISE could be applied more quickly to a next iteration of the current Leap engine to power a new Boeing aircraft toward the end of this decade.


While dominating the narrowbody market, Airbus is nonetheless in a complicated situation. By the time it reaches rate 64 aircraft per month in 2023, it will essentially have had three years of much lower production than planned before the pandemic. Its target over the last 18 months was to avoid cancellations at almost any cost but to be more flexible when it came to requests for deferrals. To that end, hundreds of slots have been shifted into later years, based on agreements with airlines and lessors. Even at rate 64, that is equivalent to eight years of production—and in reality, it is significantly more because that level will not be reached for almost two more years.

One of the challenges for Airbus is that the number of open production slots until 2026 is very small. Getting additional A320neos from the production line will be difficult for any customer that does not already have confirmed slots. As a result, customers needing aircraft sooner will have to turn to lessors—in case they have unallocated capacity—or to Boeing. Neither is an attractive option for Airbus.

Of course, Airbus’ viewpoint is based on the assumption that the backlog is secure. It is anybody’s guess how secure it is, but even skeptics concede that the outlook for narrowbodies is much better than for widebodies. 

To achieve its planned growth, Airbus must also convince its supply chain that investment in more capacity is now safe. Judging by comments made by Safran CEO Olivier Andries, much remains to be ironed out on that issue: “We are listening carefully to all our customers, airline customers, leasing company customers as well.”

Like Airbus, Boeing has seen a major improvement in its financial results and is looking at beginning (more modest) growth in narrowbody production. 

Boeing now expects to deliver fewer than half of the 100 787s that have built up in inventory during the current delivery pause and a previous one that started last fall and lasted five months. A general lack of demand for new widebodies due to low international travel demand stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic means Boeing has some time to get the 787 program on track (AW&ST May 31-June 13, p. 28).