
English Text by Bradley Perrett
日本表示,即便其战机研发经验非常有限, 但仍希望在研究2030的未来战机方面能够进行国际合作并牵头引导该项目。
Aerospace & Defense

By Piotr Butowski
A recent trip by Moscow’s Mayor Sergey Sobyanin to GosMKB Vympel—a visit that marked the state-owned company’s 70th anniversary—served as a prime opportunity to open the doors of its facility and display a number of interesting missiles, including the R-77 (AA-12 Archer), which it manufactures on site.
Asia Aerospace & Defense EN

English Text by Helen Massy-Beresford
With hefty fuel bills, overcapacity and macroeconomic uncertainty increasing pressure on the airline industry, it is no surprise carriers worldwide are focusing attention on driving growth in ancillary revenues to boost their coffers.
EN Asia Air Transport & MRO

By Sean Broderick
United, an Airbus operator since 1993, has 174 A320ceo-family aircraft in its fleet. Adding the A321XLRs gives Airbus an opening for its current-generation narrowbody family at United—and could put some of the airline’s 170 outstanding MAX deliveries at risk.
Air Transport

English text by Bradley Perrett
由于大型国营航空公司借助各自的政治影响力稳稳获取了最佳航线的使用权,中国的民营航空公司在宽体机营收方面面临的挑战比平时更艰巨。Privately owned airlines in China have more than the usual challenges in making money out of widebody aircraft: the big state carriers use their political heft to secure the best routes.
AIr Transport & MRO

English Text by Alex Derber
航空会社と顧客の間でミッションタイプと優先事項が変化していることは、ナローボディ機の内装への認識を喚起します。ナローボディ機のキャビンを刷新することは、ワイドボディ機のキャビンよりもシンプルかつ安価に再構成できる、と考えられがちです。Changing mission types and preferences among airlines and passengers are challenging narrowbody interior perceptions. Narrowbody cabin reconfigurations are often regarded as simpler and cheaper than they are for widebodies.
Air Transport & MRO

English Text by Alex Derber
航空公司和乘客之间不断变化的任务类型和偏好对窄体机的内饰观念发起挑战。与宽体机相比,窄体机客舱的重新配置通常被认为更简单及更便宜。Changing mission types and preferences among airlines and passengers are challenging narrowbody interior perceptions. Narrowbody cabin reconfigurations are often regarded as simpler and cheaper than they are for widebodies.
AIr Transport & MRO

English text by Chen Chuanren
アジア太平洋地域における航空輸送市場の競争が激化するにつれて、チケット売上からの利回りが低下し、航空会社は営業利益を補うための付随収入に注力している。As the air transport market in the Asia-Pacific region becomes more competitive, yields from ticket revenue have fallen and airlines are increasingly turning to ancillary revenue to supplement operating income.
Air Transport & MRO

English Text by Henry Canaday
Rusada在完成任务的整个过程中推行数字化维护。Rusada carries digital maintenance all the way to task completion.
AIr Transport & MRO

English Text by Bradley Perrett
日本政府正在促进本地工业与波音公司之间在飞机电气化和高速率复合材料制造方面的技术合作。此举在于扩大日本长久以来在飞机制造业中发挥的有限作用。 The Japanese government is promoting technological cooperation between local industry and Boeing in aircraft electrification and high-rate composites manufacturing, aiming at expanding the country’s traditionally limited roles in aircraft manufacturing.
Aerospace & Defense

English Text by Henry Canaday
Rusadaは、タスク完了までのすべてのプロセスをデジタル化している。Rusada carries digital maintenance all the way to task completion.
Air Transport & MRO

English text by Bradley Perrett
Air Transport & MRO

English text by Sean Broderick
对去年狮航610(JT610)坠机事件进行调查的最终报告进一步整理了波音和美国联邦航空局在737 MAX研制过程中的各种错误。调查还揭示了航空公司及其维修供应商的重大操作失误,这些失误构成了致命事故事件链中的关键环节。The final report on the investigation into last year’s crash of Lion Air Flight 610 (JT610) further codifies myriad mistakes by Boeing and the FAA during the 737 MAX’s development. The probe also illuminates significant operational errors by the airline and its maintenance providers that formed critical links in the fatal accident’s chain of events.
AIr Transport & MRO

English Text by Sean Broderick
昨年発生したライオン・エア610便(JT610)墜落事故の最終調査報告書で、旅客機737 MAXの開発中にボーイングと米連邦航空局(FAA)による無数の認証上の誤りが明らかになった。この調査では、致命的な一連の事故を引き起こす大きな要因となった、航空会社とメンテナンス会社による重大な運用上の過失も明らかになった。
Aerospace & Defense

English text by Bradley Perrett
对普惠公司PW1100G-JM的需求不断增长,是三菱重工(MHI)在长崎建设先进工厂专门制造发动机燃烧室的主要原因,该发动机用于空客A320neo系列。Rising demand for the Pratt & Whitney PW1100G-JM is the key reason for Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) setting up an advanced factory at Nagasaki to exclusively build the combustor for the engine, which is used on the Airbus A320neo family.
Aerospace & Defense

English Text by Bradley Perrett
プラット・アンド・ホイットニーPW1100G-JMへの需要の高まりによって、三菱重工業が長崎に航空エンジン部品を製造する新工場を設立し、エアバスA320neoシリーズに搭載されているエンジン専用の燃焼器部品を独占的に製造している。Rising demand for the Pratt & Whitney PW1100G-JM is the key reason for Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) setting up an advanced factory at Nagasaki to exclusively build the combustor for the engine, which is used on the Airbus A320neo family.
Aerospace & Defense

English Text by Henry Canaday
ロールス・ロイスは、航空会社とのデータ共有を容易にし、拡大するためのパートナーシップを構築した。Rolls-Royce builds partnerships to ease and expand data sharing with airlines.
Air Transport & MRO

English Text by Henry Canaday
罗尔斯-罗伊斯与航空公司建立合作伙伴关系,以简化和扩大与航空公司的数据共享。Rolls-Royce builds partnerships to ease and expand data sharing with airlines.
AIr Transport & MRO

English text by David Hambling
Aerospace & Defense

English Text by Adrian Schofield
大韩航空将在2020年开始其机队更新的下一阶段,这将使其顺利完成中期网络计划并为乘客引入新技术。Korean Air is set to begin the next phase of its fleet renewal in 2020, which will allow the airline to fulfill its medium-term network plans and introduce new technology for passengers.
AIr Transport & MRO

English text by Steve Trimble and Lee Hudson
美国空军的愿景是以苹果制造iPhone的方式快速生产先进战斗机,并以秘密的“下一代空中优势”(NGAD)项目的重大修改作为开端。The U.S. Air Force’s vision to rapidly produce multiple fleets of advanced fighters the way Apple makes iPhones begins with an important change in plans for the secretive Next-Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) program.
Aerospace & Defense

English Text by Steve Trimble and Lee Hudson
米国空軍は複数の高度な戦闘機を迅速に生産するために、まず極秘の次世代の航空支配(NGAD)プログラムの重要な変更に着手する。The U.S. Air Force’s vision to rapidly produce multiple fleets of advanced fighters the way Apple makes iPhones begins with an important change in plans for the secretive Next-Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) program.
Aerospace & Defense

English Text by Steve Trimble
米国空軍による最初のレーザー兵器の運用開始から数週間が経とうとしている。現在国防総省は、指向性エネルギー分野における高度な電力・熱管理制限に対処するための新しいコンセプトを生み出している。As the U.S. Air Force comes within weeks of the first operational laser weapons, the Defense Department is hatching new concepts to address the power and thermal management limits of the state-of-the-art in the directed energy field.
Aerospace & Defense

English text by Steve Trimble
美国空军第一批激光武器投入使用已有数周,国防部正在酝酿新的概念,以解决定向能源领域最先进技术的功率和热量管理限制问题。As the U.S. Air Force comes within weeks of the first operational laser weapons, the Defense Department is hatching new concepts to address the power and thermal management limits of the state-of-the-art in the directed energy field.
Aerospace & Defense

English Text by David Hambling
防空システムは、攻撃機や巡航ミサイルよりも、鳥のように小さく低速飛行のターゲットを検知しやすく、それに対処するのに苦労している。Small and improvised UAVs present particular challenges to defenders, as air defense systems have struggled to cope with small, slow-flying targets that register more like birds than strike aircraft or cruise missiles.
Aerospace & Defense