Business & Commercial Aviation

A timeline of the Caravan’s history.
Airports, FBOs & Suppliers

By Bill Carey
A market analysis of the Cessna Citation CJ4, which entered service in 2010 as the largest of the CitationJet family of light twinjets.
Aircraft & Propulsion

René Banglesdorf
According to a 2022 report, the pandemic is estimated to have cost the industry at least 5,000 new mechanics.
Maintenance & Training

By Molly McMillin
The NTSB reminds aircraft owners and operators to maintain and replace aircraft restraint systems to prevent injuries or death in the event of an accident.
Safety, Ops & Regulation

Paul Seidenman and David Spanovich
Parts supply chain constraints continue to be problematic for business and general aviation MROs in the post-pandemic period.
Maintenance & Training

Paul Seidenman and David Spanovich
Parts supply chain constraints continue to be problematic for business and general aviation MROs in the post-pandemic period.
Maintenance & Training

By Lee Ann Shay
Marty Kretchman, Signature’s SVP operations planning, gives his perspective on 2023 and discusses operations, sustainability and other issues.
Airports, FBOs & Suppliers

By Bill Carey
Announced on Jan. 10, U.S. Rep. Sam Graves' (R-Missouri) selection as the new T&I Committee chairman was expected.
Safety, Ops & Regulation

By Patrick Veillette, Ph.D.
Close coordination and communication between maintenance personnel and knowledgeable pilots is vital to safely returning an aircraft to service.
Safety, Ops & Regulation

The national average for a gallon of Jet A totaled $7.40 in January, up 10 cents from December’s average and up $1.54 from January 2022.
Airports, FBOs & Suppliers

By Patrick Veillette, Ph.D.
The General Aviation Joint Steering Committee (GAJSC) and the NTSB recently renewed their emphasis on the necessity for an advanced preflight after maintenance.
Safety, Ops & Regulation

Ken Ambrose
Without reasonable time in a structured environment with an experienced mentor, new pilots miss exposure to the subtleties of courtesy in ramp etiquette.
Safety, Ops & Regulation

By Bill Carey
Ten years into its development of a delivery drone, Amazon has started flying packages to customers at locations in Texas and California.
Aircraft & Propulsion

Toni Drummond
Corporate flight departments will help set a safe and scalable pathway forward into NextGen flight.
Safety, Ops & Regulation

By Roger Cox
ICTS was a highly topical subject for pilots in the 1990s and 2000s but is not much discussed anymore.
Safety, Ops & Regulation

By Bill Carey
Piper Aircraft unveiled three members of its new M-Class line of single-engine, pressurized, cabin class aircraft, including the M350, in April 2015.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Paul Seidenman
Security equipment companies offer products that address multiple threats to aircraft as well as hangars and other vulnerable general and corporate aviation sup
Airports, FBOs & Suppliers

By Patrick Veillette, Ph.D.
Our public infrastructure is woefully “behind the power curve” in terms of being adequately designed and maintained for the new normal.
Airports, FBOs & Suppliers

BCA Staff
Puerto Rico FBO has started offering private aviation services at its facilities at Fernando Luis Ribas Dominicci Airport in San Juan.
Airports, FBOs & Suppliers

By Molly McMillin
The national average for a gallon of Jet-A in December totaled $7.30, down 34 cents from November’s average, according to Argus International.
Airports, FBOs & Suppliers

By Patrick Veillette, Ph.D.
Drought can negatively impact airports and aircraft in multiple ways.
Airports, FBOs & Suppliers

By Patrick Veillette, Ph.D.
Abnormal weather is damaging aviation infrastructure and affecting flight operations.
Airports, FBOs & Suppliers

René Banglesdorf
As labor shortages beleaguer the industry, why is there a shortage of women in aviation?
Business Aviation

By Roger Cox
Accidents indicate a need for parking brake alerting on the Textron Cessna Cessna 560XL.
Safety, Ops & Regulation

By Molly McMillin, Lee Ann Shay
What’s the atmosphere like and what are the key new observations from the Middle East Business Aviation Association show taking place in Dubai?
Business Aviation