
With so much going on within the aviation sector we want to know your views on the key topics and stories.
Air Transport

By Steve Trimble
Ask the Editors: Software has made great strides, but pilots are still needed to handle complex missions in the real world.
Emerging Technologies

Aviation Weekのフライトデータを見ても、ヨーロッパ・中国・アメリカの主要3地域において、いずれも稼働の回復が停滞していることが分かる。
Air Transport & MRO

By Joe Anselmo
Ask the Editors: Subscribers can view the full archive of our print issues.

GE Aviation社が開発中の、史上最大の航空機用エンジンであるGE9XがFAAの認証を取得した。これにより、2022年に予定されているボーイング777Xファミリーの第1号、777-9の就航に向けて大きな一歩を踏み出した。
Aerospace & Defense

Aviation Week flight data shows that utilization rates have indeed stalled across three major regions, Europe, China, and the US, in August.
Air Transport

The COVID-19 crisis had a significant impact on the air cargo sector, with initial demand for transporting medical supplies leading to some airlines temporarily converting grounded passenger aircraft into freighters.
Air Transport

AIr Transport & MRO

Aviation Weekはエアバス社によるこの契約を「世紀の契約」と称した。今ではA220プログラムと呼ばれている、同機に関するボンバルディア社の残りの株式をエアバス社が取得したことは、この機体が持つポテンシャルを考えれば極めて自然な成り行きだと思われていた。
Aerospace & Defense

By Jens Flottau
Ask the editors: Despite massive overcapacity of aircraft now, airlines do have incentives to retain at least some orders.
Airlines & Lessors

By Fred George
Ask the Editors: Pilots are concerned about fulfilling requirements during the pandemic.
Safety, Ops & Regulation

By Karen Walker
Ask the Editors: The entire air transport industry is concerned about ensuring the risk of transmission is at the absolute minimum.
Airports & Networks

Air Transport & MRO

Since the mid 1980s, aerospace and defense executives have identified the hiring of a diversity of people— gender, age, and ethnicity—as having a corporate value and contribution to success. Over the last five years, there has been measurable, though subtle, improvement.

With so much going on within the aviation sector we want to know your views on the key topics and stories.
Air Transport

AIr Transport & MRO

With so much going on within the aviation sector we want to know your views on the key topics and stories.
Air Transport

By Michael Tint
Ask the Editors: MRO activity is down due to the outbreak of COVID-19, but the military segment has been spared the brunt of the blow.
Air Dominance

The industry has seen very conservative rates of retirement while hiring an increasing number of young people

By Lee Ann Shay, Sean Broderick
Ask the Editors: The rest of this year will be relatively quiet for MROs, but then the return will start happening in 2021.
Safety, Ops & Regulation

Aerospace & Defense

Aerospace & Defense

このコリドーは、同局がはじめて打ち出したUAM(都市型エアモビリティ:Urban Air Mobility)の運用コンセプト「ConOps 1.0」の目玉である。
Aerospace & Defense


With so much going on within the aviation sector we want to know your views on the key topics and stories.
Air Transport