Legacy Carriers Must Adapt To The New Reality | 传统航空公司必须适应新现实

Credit: Cathay Pacific


No airline, airline employee, airport or company serving the air transport industry bears fault for or could have forecast the devastation wrought by the COVID-19 pandemic. Global fear of virus transmission, border closures, quarantines and economic uncertainty have inflicted an almost unimaginable toll on this industry in terms of lost revenue, jobs and even futures.


Even so, the speed with which so many airlines, including most large legacy carriers, descended from boom to would-be bust without government aid indicates a need for a fundamental rethink of how most airlines operate and their cash balance versus cost base.


Running an airline is a high-cost business. Safety, which is every airline’s top priority, is expensive. Aircraft and everything on and in them are expensive. Fuel, even at its lower price end, is a major proportion of cost because of the volumes needed. Government taxes and airport fees can be disproportionately high. And labor is often the highest cost of all.

在一些国家中, 政府对航空公司的援助使他们在极其困难的时期内保持了稳定运营,这是至关重要的。但援助不是长久的、可以反复出现的支持。因此为了更好地应对疫情引发的经济衰退,航空公司必须进行重组,而且最好不经过破产的流程,他们必须把建立强大的现金储备放在为优先的地位上。

Government support that has been given to airlines in some, but not all, countries has been crucial to keeping them afloat through extremely difficult times. But it cannot be a long-term, recurring prop. To better prepare themselves for an extended COVID-induced economic downturn, airlines must restructure, preferably outside of a bankruptcy court. And they must put a much higher priority on building strong cash reserves.


Legacy and major airlines must also grasp that the pandemic has stripped them down to commodity level. The world’s ultra-LCCs are now in a position to offer equal or better service than the “full-service” carriers. The ultra-LCCs’ ancillary revenue model means they continue to offer the same for-sale onboard snacks, beverages and amenities they served before COVID struck. Many major carriers, meanwhile, have suspended all onboard service. Many airline club lounges, for which even high-tier customers typically pay a high fee, are closed. What’s to distinguish the full-service carrier from the ultra-LCC?


Meanwhile, the more agile, innovative and less union-controlled ultra-LCCs are turning to digitalization and technology to push costs even lower while giving customers the instant information and automation they need more than ever.

一些传统运营商正在意识到疫情的流行及其后果所带来的全面结构变化。如国泰航空集团作出了艰难而勇敢的决定,拒绝为其干线航空公司提供第二批政府工资补贴,并承认现在需要的是一项长期计划,以使国泰航空拥有合适的规模和成本的 “新现实"。

Some legacy carriers are recognizing the sweeping structural changes compelled by the pandemic and its aftermath. Cathay Pacific Group has taken the difficult but brave decision to decline a second tranche of government wage subsidies for its mainline carrier, acknowledging that what is needed now is a long-term plan to make Cathay the right size, shape and cost for what it calls “the new reality.”


All airlines are now in the new reality. Only those that adapt will survive.

这条消息是Karen Walker 在Aviation Daily发表的文章。加入航空周刊情报网(AWIN)会员,访问公司、项目、机队和联系人数据库,获取权威解析与市场情报并找到新的业务机会。点击击此预约您的产品演示。