Airbus’ subsidiary Satair has assumed control of Airbus A220 materials and service support in a move that will further integrate the program into the European aircraft manufacturer’s business.
The transfer was completed on July 1 but announced this week following the transition of components over from Bombardier Parts Services. Satair says that the process began last year and involved gaining the necessary regulatory approvals and coming to agreements with suppliers.
Satair will now oversee multiple activities mostly from its only facilities and also out of the U.S. These services will include: parts planning and inventory; purchasing; quality inspection; certification; warehousing and distribution; customer order handling; 24/7 AOG handling; initial provisioning and tool lease. Eventually, the company says it will also develop offerings in the areas of parts lease, repair and exchange for the A220.
Satair plans to stock various parts across its warehouses worldwide but says it will do so based on data analysis which will determine which parts are needed and where. However, after basing some of them in the U.S. and Europe, it expects to have A220 parts in Asia-Pacific by later this year.
“All A220 customers will now benefit from the same level of service and global network offered by Satair on all other Airbus platforms,” says Rob Dewar, senior vice president, A220 customer services, customer satisfaction and product policy.
Airbus acquired Bombardier’s then-CSeries program and subsequently rebranded it as the A220 in July 2018 after the Canadian aircraft maker announced plans to exit the commercial airframe business.
Bombardier transferred its remaining interest in the program in February this year, with the A220 program under the ownership of the Airbus Canada Limited Partnership – now held 75% by Airbus and 25% by the Government of Québec.
At the end of July, Airbus says it the A220’s order book comprised of 642 aircraft on firm order.