A Close-Up Look At GE Aviation's GE9X Turbofan | GE9Xエンジンの詳細解説

Credit: GE Aviation

GE9XはGE Aviation社がボーイング777X専用に開発した高バイパス比ターボファンエンジンだ。2016年3月に最初の試験が行われ、2018年3月13日に初飛行した。GE9Xの詳細な開発タイムラインはこちらからご覧ください。




The General Electric GE9X is a high-bypass turbofan developed by GE Aviation exclusively for the Boeing 777X. The first engine test took place in March 2016 and it first flew on March 13, 2018. Click here to get a more detailed timeline of the GE9X development.

Building on the GEnx and Leap programs, the GE9X incorporates an all-new core, fourth-generation composite blades and a composite fan case. The engine is also made with more than 300 additively manufactured parts and advanced materials, such as five ceramic matrix composite (CMC) components that include the first-stage shroud and first- and second-stage nozzles on the high-pressure turbine, and the inner and outer linings of the combustor.

Click on the markers below to get details of the engine.