
By Bernie Baldwin
Time was – and it’s not so long ago – when the idea of inflight entertainment systems were the domain of long-haul aircraft and the idea of
Small Narrowbody Jets

アジア太平洋地域は他の地域と比べ、コロナ危機による経済への影響が比較的小さかった。このため、当地域における国防予算は一時的な減少の後、今後5年間は堅調に増大していくとAviation Weekでは予想している。

Sponsored By Element Materials Technology
Element is hosting a one-of-a-kind webinar to provide an inside look into the most comprehensive Pneumatics testing solutions globally.

随着航空公司将更多的单通道飞机恢复到机队中,再加上交付量的提升,波音的737 MAX正逐渐达到其恢复的目标。请看有关该机的一些数据。 Boeing’s 737 MAX program recovery is hitting its marks as airlines work more of the
Aerospace & Defense

As a result of the relatively limited economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Asia-Pacific (APAC) compared to other regions around the world, Aviation Week analysts expect that defence budgets throughout the region will continue to expand at robust rates over the next five years, following a brief slowdown.
Defense and Space

Although rare relative to the total number of flights, wildlife strikes to civil aircraft increased more than nine fold from 1990 to 2019, according
Business Aviation

While the performance of defense markets has remained robust throughout COVID-19 the economic and fiscal impact of the pandemic mean that there are
Defense and Space

By Thierry Dubois
Ask the editors: Is it worthwhile to change aviation’s fuel infrastructure? The answer might be the use of LNG as a transition to SAF.
Aircraft & Propulsion

航空各社がボーイング737MAXの運航を再開し、デリバリーも加速していく中で、開発プログラムは急速な回復を見せている。ここでは、チャートを用いていくつかの数値を解説したい。 Boeing’s 737 MAX program recovery is hitting its marks as
Air Transport & MRO

Boeing’s 737 MAX program recovery is hitting its marks as airlines work more of the narrowbody twins back into fleets and deliveries ramp up. Take a

近年来,为印度军方部队购买武器装备的工作受到延期和缺乏资金的困扰,这种情况不会因预算限制放松而有所好转。 The procurement of defense equipment for the Indian armed forces has suffered from delays and
Aerospace & Defense

By Molly McMillin
Ask the Editors: Private aviation providers report a spike in inquiries and increased sales to former first-class airline passengers.
Safety, Ops & Regulation

Delta Air Lines’ ability to endure in the post-deregulation era, reflected in its $103-million earnings win 1979 while earnings plunged for most other
Air Transport

航空公司、机场、飞机制造商及其供应商已经在疫情之下的紧急状况中运行了一年,而疫苗的到来使民航业希望市场从2021年晚些时候开始恢复。但围绕着行业复苏和未来行业规模还存在着很多问题。 Airlines, airports, aircraft manufacturers and their
AIr Transport & MRO

Sponsored By Greater Fort Lauderdale Alliance
Brian Neff, CEO of Sintavia, discusses Greater Fort Lauderdale's role in the success of his company and about Sintavia's leading edge technology that will have, "massive implications in all areas of people's lives, not just aviation".

Sponsored By Greater Fort Lauderdale Alliance
Find out how President and CEO of GA Telesis, Abdol Moaberry, is successfully using Greater Fort Lauderdale as a point of takeoff for his global aviation business.

インドの民間機MROは10%以上拡大へ Aviation Week Intelligence Network(AWIN)では、インドにおける今後10年間の民間機MROは年平均で10.4%拡大すると予想している。 コロナ危機による停滞期
Air Transport & MRO

Sponsored by Embraer
On February 23 we broadcast the delivery of KLM’s first E2, and 50th E-Jet in the KLM Cityhopper fleet, live from the hangar. Guests joined us
Small Narrowbody Jets

Air Transport & MRO

Air Transport & MRO

By Jens Flottau
Ask the Editors: Reopenings are expected to vary by region, as the distribution of vaccines and pace of vaccinations remains uneven.
Safety, Ops & Regulation

By Bernie Baldwin
“Horses for courses,” says the old adage, implying that certain things are designed to fill certain roles. A role, however, need not be too narrowly
Small Narrowbody Jets

AIr Transport & MRO

Airlines, airports, aircraft manufacturers and their suppliers have been operating in a state of emergency for one year now. The arrival of highly
Air Transport

By Bill Carey
Ask the Editors: The military is gradually adapting to the FAA’s ADS-B requirements, though many of its aircraft are exempt from the new regulations.
Budget, Policy & Operations