Air Transport Interiors & Connectivity

Jun 27, 2017
American Airlines will begin migration of its website, customer mobile app and airport check-in kiosks to IBM’s cloud network in early July.
Jun 23, 2017
Honeywell Aerospace said airline passengers would rather have an internet connection than food onboard a flight, which is indicative of how much people now rely on their electronic devices in everyday life.
Jun 22, 2017
Qatar Airways used the Paris Air Show to unveil its new QSuite configuration on board a real aircraft, as opposed to mock-ups. Exclusive photos by ATW correspondent Alan Dron.
Jun 21, 2017
Airbus has launched Skywise, a broad initiative to use a lot more data in a much more structured way to make its own and airline operations more efficient.
Jun 19, 2017
Airbus has unveiled a new interior for the A320 family of aircraft that will be available from 2020 at the 2017 Paris Air Show. All photos courtesy of Airbus.
Apr 03, 2019
Market-research firm NSR is predicting that aviation will be the largest customer for flat-panel antenna (FPA) technologies, which minimize drag, creating a more compelling business case for inflight connectivity.
Apr 03, 2019
German aircraft seating company Recaro and German lighting startup jetlite have partnered on an innovation that allows long-haul business-class travelers to individually customize and schedule the warmth of their cabin light, to naturally encourage sleep and minimize jetlag.
Apr 03, 2019
Panasonic is launching an augmented moving map with more interaction possibilities for inflight passenger entertainment (IFE).
Apr 03, 2019
Airbus has yet to find a customer for its lower-deck cabin module, but promoters have clearer ideas on how to market and certify it.
Apr 03, 2019
Airline digital services provider Immfly is starting to expand, both beyond its European base and in the services it provides.
Apr 02, 2019
Principals of the Aireon joint venture on April 2 formally announced the launch of the company’s satellite-based air traffic control (ATC) surveillance system, a capability that for the first time provides a means of continuously tracking aircraft over oceans and remote regions of the world.
Apr 02, 2019
Australian cabin-technology supplier Burrana, which was rebranded from digEcor after acquiring Collins Aerospace’s commercial IFE business, is pushing ahead with the integration and is on the lookout for further acquisitions.
Apr 02, 2019
Airbus has made a prominent change to its Day & Night first-class concept, the “night” area of which now looks like a two-person bedroom.