Air Transport Safety, Ops & Regulation

Apr 07, 2022
Hong Kong has eased some border rules but not enough for a major recovery for Cathay Pacific.
Apr 06, 2022
Pilots are gaining access to more data and contributing to aggregation programs, and operators are benefiting.
Apr 05, 2022
Short-term obstacles and long-term changes were on the agenda at Airlines for Europe’s Brussels summit.
Apr 01, 2022
If investigators have insight on why the 737-800 went down during a routine domestic flight, they have not shared it publicly.
Mar 31, 2022
In this first episode of Aviation Week Network's new air transport podcast, Window Seat, editors discuss the fast-changing attitudes and rules related to mask wearing in airports and onboard airliners.
Jan 29, 2024
A weak or failed Spirit is just as much a threat to price-conscious consumers’ ability to fly and enjoy low fares as a merger with JetBlue Airways would be.
Jan 29, 2024
The Aviation Environmental Labeling Scheme is being developed to give passengers standardized information about the environmental impact of their EU flights.
Jan 26, 2024
After announcing intent to appeal an antitrust ruling blocking their merger, JetBlue has informed Spirit that the merger may be terminable on and after Jan. 28.
Jan 26, 2024
Amsterdam Schiphol would need to reduce its emissions by at least 30% to be in line with Paris Agreement goals, a new report commissioned by the airport shows.
Jan 26, 2024
Iraq’s Fly Baghdad has suspended flights on all routes days after the U.S. Treasury accused the airline of transporting Iran-backed militants.
Jan 26, 2024
Boeing is seeking an exemption from FAA to allow the 737-7 to be certified and enter service as the airframer works to address engine inlet durability issues.
Jan 25, 2024
Following receipt of an approved inspection and maintenance process from the FAA, Alaska expects to bring its first few 737-9s back into service on Jan. 26.
Jan 25, 2024
The European Commission is concerned the transaction may reduce competition on several domestic, short-haul, and long-haul routes in and out of Spain.