Latest News & Analysis

Sep 11, 2020
Boeing confirmed that it uncovered a manufacturing problem with 787 vertical fins—the fourth production-quality issue linked to the widebody twinjet program in recent weeks.
Sep 09, 2020
Most observers agree that aircraft manufacturers are still too optimistic with regards to demand for new aircraft.
Sep 01, 2020
If Airbus prioritizes long-term outcomes, it will come out of the COVID-19 downturn stronger than ever.
Aug 31, 2020
Lockheed Martin will receive another $912 million over the next five years to give the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense program a capability makeover. 
Aug 31, 2020
Rolls-Royce plans to reduce costs linked to its spare-engines pool and lean more heavily on third-party shops as part of sweeping changes within its civil aerospace business to cope with reduced air transport activity for the foreseeable future.
Aug 28, 2020
Getting NASA’s Space Launch System rocket to the launchpad for a November 2021 debut flight will cost taxpayers $9.1 billion, breaching a 30% budget overrun that mandates congressional notification. 
Aug 21, 2020
FAA’s shift to emphasizing corrective actions over civil penalties for unintentional regulatory violations needs more centralized oversight and data analysis to determine its effectiveness, a Government Accountability Office (GAO) review of the program shows. 
Aug 21, 2020
A small cottage industry set up to support one-off experiments is now transforming into a billion-dollar sector of the missile market.