Spirit Airlines

By Graham Warwick
Our roundup of the main aerospace and defense stories making the news this week.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Christine Boynton, Lori Ranson
With their merger agreement ended, JetBlue and Spirit will pursue growth and profits as independent airlines.
Airlines & Lessors

By Aaron Karp, Christine Boynton, Lori Ranson
Listen in as Aviation Week Network editors discuss the news of JetBlue and Spirit's dissolved merger and what it means moving forward.
Window Seat Podcast

By Christine Boynton
The decision came down to a dwindling time frame for a self-imposed summer deadline contained within the deal’s terms.
Airlines & Lessors

By Christine Boynton
The airlines say a U.S. District Court ruling blocking their proposed merger ignores the vast majority in favor of a few.
Airlines & Lessors

By Antoine Fafard
While the U.S. Big 4 carriers have all been showing signs of recovery, the picture hasn’t been quite the same for U.S. LCCs.
AWIN Knowledge Center

By Christine Boynton, Jens Flottau
Former TWA Chairman Carl Icahn has become the airline’s third-largest shareholder. What is next?
Airlines & Lessors

By Graham Warwick
Our roundup of the main aerospace and defense stories making the news this week.
Missile Defense & Weapons

By Christine Boynton
CEO Ted Christie stated that the U.S. government “continues to do nothing to address the anticompetitive structure of our industry.”
Airlines & Lessors

By Sean Broderick
Affected airlines are eying wing-to-wing turnaround times (TATs) to help gauge fleet availability in the months ahead.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Alex Derber
The airline foresees a "healthy" pipeline of mechanics.
Workforce & Training

By Christine Boynton, Lori Ranson
As many challenges begin the year, carriers anticipate high labor and maintenance costs, delivery delays and air traffic control shortages in the rest of 2024.
Airlines & Lessors

By Christine Boynton
An event-saturated January followed a year not short on its own challenges, and during recent earnings calls airlines projected which issues might spill over.
Airlines & Lessors

By Christine Boynton
The defendants are required to file their brief by Feb. 26, while the plaintiffs have until April 11 to file their response.
Airlines & Lessors

By Christine Boynton
Plans include $2.5 billion in aircraft deferments, new revenue initiatives, network refinements, and cuts across its cost base including real estate and staff.
Airlines & Lessors

By Matthew Fulco
Despite Spirit's reliance on leased aircraft, lessor specific exposure to the financially distressed airline is not large enough to raise any red flags.
Airlines & Lessors

By Aaron Karp
A weak or failed Spirit is just as much a threat to price-conscious consumers’ ability to fly and enjoy low fares as a merger with JetBlue Airways would be.
Airlines & Lessors

By Helen Massy-Beresford
European Commission scrutiny and political upheaval are slowing plans for airline consolidation in the region.
Airlines & Lessors

By Christine Boynton
After announcing intent to appeal an antitrust ruling blocking their merger, JetBlue has informed Spirit that the merger may be terminable on and after Jan. 28.
Airlines & Lessors

By Graham Warwick
Our roundup of the main aerospace and defense stories making the news this week.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Lori Ranson, Christine Boynton
The low- and ultra-low-cost carriers are regrouping after rejection of their proposed merger.
Airlines & Lessors

By Christine Boynton
The industry appears to be moving more toward JetBlue and away from Spirit and the vaunted ULCC model.
Airlines & Lessors

By Karen Walker
A U.S. judge’s ruling that JetBlue and Spirit Airlines cannot proceed with their proposed merger was the wrong decision.
Airlines & Lessors

By Christine Boynton
JetBlue and Spirit said the notice of appeal, filed jointly, was “consistent with the requirements of the merger agreement.”
Airlines & Lessors

By Christine Boynton
The Jan. 16 ruling leaves the door open for the defendant airlines “to take another run at a merger at any time.”
Airlines & Lessors