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Sep 21, 2018
Designers of the new generation of crossover narrowbody jets have taken into account the cabin crew.
Sep 07, 2018
Crossover narrowbodies—whose capacity falls between regionals and single-aisles—are almost all clean-sheet designs and have maintainability “designed in.”
Aug 27, 2018
The vast amount of China’s intermediate-size cities could bode well for a surge in narrowbody aircraft to serve those destinations.
Jul 04, 2018
Inflight entertainment/connectivity went from “nice to have” to “must have” for passengers. New-gen crossover narrowbody jets are being designed to accommodate.
Jun 19, 2018
Africa represents less than 10% of the world’s available seat miles, but that is about to change, and manufacturers of crossover narrowbody jets are taking note.
May 29, 2018
While large regional jets have been a choice, they did not have the range of new-generation crossover aircraft.
May 11, 2018
The aim of integrated flight deck technology is to clearly display essential flight information and enable an intuitive, reduced-workload flying experience.
Apr 11, 2018
“Airlines will look at efficient small single-aisle [aircraft] as their second type for their single-aisle operations,” says one industry executive.