Optimizing Engines Through the Lifecycle


Jul 20, 2017
GE can provide a custom build used GE or CFM56 engine as an alternative to heavy overhaul and finance their acquisition.
Jul 20, 2017
Two-minute video demonstrates on GE's Flight Phase Analyzer can identify a fan imbalance and plan preventive maintenance that saves downtime and money.
Jun 22, 2017
For at least the whole of the current century, militaries have understood the critical role cyberdefense plays in every aspect of operations. Yet most military organizations appear reluctant to train for network defense outside of specialist cyber units.
Jun 22, 2017
After putting it into service just a few weeks ago, the world’s largest aero-engine manufacturer is thrilled with the performance of one of the world’s smallest business jets.
Jun 21, 2017
New Singapore-based shop will focus on GE90 and GE9X engine overhaul services.
Jun 21, 2017
A very small number of geostationary satellites have been ordered this year so far because the industry is devising strategies to meet an upcoming surge in demand for connectivity, launch service provider Arianespace says.
Jun 21, 2017
The world’s largest laser-powder additive manufacturing machine is being created behind locked doors by GE Additive, the business formed by parent company GE to capitalize on that fast-moving technology.
Jun 20, 2017
The world’s most “printed engine,” GE’s new Advanced Turboprop, in which additive manufacturing replaces 855 normally made parts with just 12 “printed” components, is on track to run for the first time this year. It will power Cessna’s new Denali aircraft.