Block II Chinook Will Be UK’s Heavy-Lift Helo Backbone Into 2050s

Block II Chinook
The UK Royal Air Force is marking 40 years of Chinook operations this year. The purchase of the Block II model could extend the type’s UK career out to 2050 and beyond.
Credit: Royal Air Force
The UK is set to be the first foreign customer for Boeing’s CH-47F Block II Chinook as it looks to retain a heavy-lift helicopter capability into the 2050s and beyond. The £1.48 billion ($2.1 billion) order for 14 aircraft will also make the UK the first and likely only overseas customer for the...
Tony Osborne

Based in London, Tony covers European defense programs. Prior to joining Aviation Week in November 2012, Tony was at Shephard Media Group where he was deputy editor for Rotorhub and Defence Helicopter magazines.

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