
By Henry Canaday
Spirit AeroSystems is installing one of the world’s largest autoclaves at its Wichita, Kansas facility to support increasing composite production and boost its total composite capacity. The new equipment is 30 ft. in diameter and 120 ft. long. It has an internal volume of more than 78,000 ft. 3 and is just one of Spirit’s 40 autoclaves.

GE Aviation

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GE Aviation
The impact on facility naming, certifications, operations and procedures
Optimizing Engines Through the Lifecycle

With the Convair B-58 Hustler making its debut on the cover, Aviation Week published its 24 th annual Air Power inventory in the Feb 25, 1957 issue.

GE Aviation
During the Olympic games, GE Aviation is celebrating two decades of impact in Brazil.
Optimizing Engines Through the Lifecycle

Sponsored by ICF International
In the simplest terms, airlines need to maximize the value of their aircraft by increasing profits from time in the air while decreasing the costs and time on the ground. Efficient aircraft ground operations are fundamental to meeting customer service expectations
Knowledge Center

Sponsored by ICF International
Like never before, airlines must ensure their fleet planning processes are strategically managed. With the introduction of new technology aircraft, the airline industry is poised on the brink of unprecedented change
Knowledge Center

Sponsored by ICF International
Airport managers increasingly face operational challenges from steady passenger growth, terminal congestion, rising costs, and difficulty in funding infrastructure. These factors are a simple recipe for deficient facilities, poor service, and unhappy passengers.
Knowledge Center

Sponsored by Dassault Systèmes
Motivated manufactures working to solve this challenge that impact affordability can find recommendations for how an effective IP management system can avoid non-compliance and security compromises and best practices for integration.
Knowledge Center

Sponsored by SANDEL
This booklet examines the components of NextGen, why Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) functions are important for current and future operations, and how NextGen affects you as an aircraft owner/operator.
Knowledge Center

Aviation Week’s Pentagon Editor Lara Seligman joined the U.S. Navy aboard the USS George Washington Aug. 16 just off the coast of Norfolk, Virginia, for the final phase of developmental testing of the F-35C carrier variant.
Budget, Policy & Operations

Sponsored by IFS
With plans underway by the U.S. military and international forces to wind down major security operations in Afghanistan, the challenge

Sponsored by IFS
Adaptability is no longer a buzz word. It is a critical requirement for enterprises to grow and gain competitive advantage.

Sponsored by IFS
Information overload is widespread. The endless flow of business data is a constant challenge for today’s decision-makers.

Sponsored by IFS
Providing integrated support packages is a significant challenge for suppliers of air, land, and naval equipment, who are increasingly operating under PBL contracts.

Many people do not think of all the backstage details that contribute to a successful Olympic experience, such as the airport in the host city.

Alan Dron
The European Commission (EC) is expected to demand that several airlines operating to the Italian island of Sardinia pay back what have been deemed unfair subsidies.
Air Transport

By Henry Canaday
SAP can connect the purchasing and processing departments of 3-D buyers and sellers, as well as helping to define the products needed, eliminating the need for costly manual processes.

By Henry Canaday
U.K.-based AIM Altitude is establishing a “center of excellence” for 5-axis machining of composites in Waterbeach, England.

By Henry Canaday
GE has added a flight-phase analyzer and a network-ops app to its Predix platform for collecting and analyzing data.

Sponsored by Embraer
Situational awareness is only truly useful when it can be acted upon. Conversely, action without awareness may be useless or even counterproductive.

Embraer's new multi-mission transport aircraft, the KC-390, has made its maiden stop at the Farnborough Airshow. Still in the thick of flight testing, the aircraft is flying internationally for the first time on a summer tour of Europe and the Middle East.


It’s been a good start for Airbus at the Farnborough Airshow, but the question over whether it will further stretch the A350 is still to be answered.

Farnborough Airshow

GE Aviation
Benefit: The Service Bulletin (SBs 72-0159 and 72-0140 - Cooling Hole Modification) is a product improvement which introduces the GEnx-1B/-2B/P2 configuration that improves the fuel efficiency of both GEnx engine models. Description: These Service Bulletins rework high-pressure turbine (HPT) Stage 1 shroud hangers to part number 2100M84G04. The reworked hanger has revised airflow requirements.
Optimizing Engines Through the Lifecycle

U.S. industry chiefs lauded former JetBlue Airways CEO Dave Barger in June when he was presented with the 2016 L. Welch Pogue Lifetime Achievement Award, awarded by the International Aviation Club (IAC) of Washington DC and Aviation Week & Space Technology.