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Air Transport & MRO

Sep 16, 2019
维护需求主要由劳动力驱动,因此MRO行业对真正的颠覆性技术的开放程度不如其他行业那么高。 The touch-labor-driven needs of maintenance mean that it is less open to true technological disruption than other industries.
Sep 12, 2019
这项技术旨在通过更智能的检查来避免航班延误和返航事件的发生。 The aim is to avoid delays and turn-backs with smarter inspections.
Sep 11, 2019
在新加坡,尽管从事维护、维修与大修(MRO)业务的工程师待遇很好,但一些政策限制了国外工程师的雇佣,与此同时,中国的工程师还不具有全球通行的资质,这些因素使得新加坡面临维修工程师短缺的局面。 Singapore pays well, but restricts foreign hiring; Chinese mechanics do not roam, yet.
Sep 09, 2019
有分析师在一份新的报告中表示,几家商用航空发动机的供应商已承认在近期降低了产量,这意味着波音737 MAX的问题已经日渐影响到其他供应商,即使这些供应商表面上与波音737MAX的问题并无直接关系。 Several commercial aerospace engine providers have acknowledged production cuts in recent quarterly announcements, meaning Boeing 737 MAX issues increasingly may weigh on other suppliers who were seemingly insulated from the narrowbody’s problems to date, analysts said in a new report.
Sep 05, 2019
今年,亚太地区的主要航空公司正采取与其他航空公司合作等措施来巩固其地位,这使得亚太地区航空运输业的竞争态势发生变化。 The competitive dynamics of the Asia-Pacific airline industry are shifting this year, as some of the region’s major players look to strengthen their positions by increasing their cooperation with other carriers.
Sep 02, 2019
中国民用航空局(CAAC)和欧盟(EU)于5月签署了双边民航安全协议,为包括适航在内的各个领域的合作铺平了道路。 The Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) and the European Union (EU) signed a bilateral civil aviation safety agreement in May, paving the way for cooperation in various arenas, including airworthiness.
Aug 26, 2019
目前, 采用LEAP发动机的飞机机队有超过42%来自亚洲,使亚洲其成为世界上最大的LEAP发动机用户地区。 Currently, more than 42% of in-service aircraft with LEAP engines are from Asia, making it the largest region in the world.
Aug 21, 2019
据IATA太平洋地区安全和飞行运营助理主任Gerardo Hueto称,全球航空业致命事故的事故率在经过四年的稳定下降之后,2018年有所增加,当年发生了11起致命事故导致523人死亡。 With 11 fatal accidents causing 523 fatalities, 2018 saw an increase in the rate of fatal airline accidents, after four years of steady decline, according to Gerardo Hueto, assistant director of safety and flight operations in the Pacific for IATA.

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