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Aug 21, 2019
发动机制造商CFM和普惠公司都在2019年巴黎航上宣布了重要订单。其中,印度靛蓝航空(IndiGo Air)宣布选择CFM的LEAP-1A发动机为其280架A320neo提供动力。 CFM and Pratt & Whitey have announced significant engine selections from big aircraft orders placed previously, during the 2019 Paris Air Show, with IndiGo’s switch to the CFM LEAP-1A for 280 A320neos perhaps the marquee signing.
Aug 21, 2019
新加坡航空工程公司热衷于组建合资企业,该公司共有25家子公司,分布在亚太和北美的8个不同国家。今年7月,新航工程在曼谷廊曼国际机场的设立维修站,拓展与泰国酷鸟航空(NokScoot)的航线维护合作伙伴关系。 Singapore Airlines Engineering is a company with a penchant for forming joint ventures, with 25 in total located across eight different countries in Asia-Pacific and North America. In July, it continued this trajectory by incorporating its line maintenance partnership with Thai carrier NokScoot for a repair station at Bangkok’s Don Mueang Airport.
Aug 19, 2019
得益于飞机制造商不断推出经济性更好的飞机,亚航集团(AirAsia Group)时隔7年有望重返欧洲。 AirAsia Group could soon be making a return to Europe after seven years’ absence thanks to more economical aircraft.
Aug 19, 2019
霍尼韦尔公司将新加坡科技工程公司(ST Engineering)航空航天部门加入其维护、维修与大修(MRO)网络,从而加强了其在亚太地区的维修业务。Honeywell, the avionics and auxiliary power unit giant, has strengthened its repair footprint in Asia-Pacific by adding the aerospace division of ST Engineering to its component MRO network.
Aug 14, 2019
韩国航空公司正在推动该国窄体机队的重大升级。 South Korean airlines are driving major changes in the country’s narrowbody fleet.
Aug 13, 2019
近年来,日本的两家主要航空公司——日本航空(JAL)和全日空(ANA)都仅依靠波音的宽体机为航空公司提供服务。随着空客的宽体机交付量越来越多,这一情况将在今年发生变化。In recent years, Japan’s two main airlines—Japan Airlines (JAL) and All Nippon Airways (ANA)–have relied exclusively on Boeing products for their widebody fleets. That is set to change this year with Airbus twin-aisles appearing in increasing numbers.
Aug 08, 2019
空中客车公司在其A350上装有采用增材制造技术生产的零件,并且还为其他飞机进行了组件的数字化重新设计,以避免从新供应商那里采购零件。 Airbus incorporates additive manufactured parts on its A350, and it also is digitally redesigning components for other platforms to avoid sourcing them from a new supplier.
Aug 08, 2019
近年来,随着航空制造业、售后服务市场和航空运输业的持续整合,大型企业也在合理地简化其主要业务线。 As consolidation continues in aviation’s manufacturing, aftermarket and airline sectors, larger companies are also seeking to rationalize under fewer main business lines.

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