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Nov 04, 2019
澳航全新波音787-9VH-ZNI 10月20日从纽约直飞19小时后降落悉尼。16分钟后,它作为有史以来最长途的客运航班载入史册,并成为21世纪二十年代潜在的更长途航班服务新时代的领头羊。Qantas completes the first trial flight of its proposed “Project Sunrise” ultra-long-haul services, but is yet to decide to officially launch such routes.
Oct 30, 2019
该联盟的发起公司目前正在最后敲定谅解备忘录。Launch companies are currently finalizing their memorandums of understanding.
Oct 30, 2019
近年来,私募股权资金不断涌入商业售后市场。Private equity money has been pouring into the commercial aftermarket in recent years.
Oct 29, 2019
该原始设备制造商的客户支持与服务部门似乎没有对有争议的费用达成共识。It appears there was not consensus between the OEM’s customer support and services organization on the controversial fees.
Oct 28, 2019
一些航空公司正在保留更多的较老飞机,但不足以抵消许多因停飞而无法运营的波音737MAX。Some airlines are keeping older aircraft around, but not enough to offset the many missing MAXs.
Oct 25, 2019
维修伙伴关系和预测维修正在改变着发动机维修的未来。Maintenance partnerships and predictive maintenance are changing the landscape for engine repairs.
Oct 24, 2019
汉莎技术公司(LHT)与Meggitt公司在今年的巴黎航展上签署的协议,该协议将使Meggitt的零件维修服务于明年初开始引入LHT的深圳工厂——深圳汉莎技术有限公司,然后从2021年开始全面服务。The agreement signed by Lufthansa Technik (LHT) and Meggitt at this year’s Paris Air Show will see Meggitt parts repair services start being introduced into the German MRO’s Shenzhen Shop early next year before leading to full capability from 2021.
Oct 23, 2019
有关“航空公司如何计划更具有成本效益的发动机维修”的提示。Tips for how airlines can better plan cost-effective engine shop visits.

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