
Credit: DHL




ロンドンに本社を置くGlobal Cabin Air Quality Executiveの共同創設者であるTristan Loraine氏によると、「オイルシールが漏れるとまた全てのエンジンシールが漏れると、主にコンプレッサーベアリング装備品から出たエンジンオイルが抽気に含まれる」。


さらに、それ以外に抽気からの吸入危険物は油圧用作動油である、とLoraine氏は発表し、その約70%がリン酸エステルであると指摘します。HEPA(高性能粒子捕捉)フィルターが、再循環空気からバクテリアとウイルスを除去するのに効果的であることを証明してきた、とLoraine氏は付け加えながらも、それらの交換に関する規制がないあるのは指針のみと指摘します。「再循環空気から[volatile organic compounds (VOC)]を除去するのに、デュアルHEPA/活性炭フィルターを取り付ける航空会社もある」、と彼は述べています。


Pall Aerospaceは、昨年9月にロンドンで開催されたAircraft Cabin Air International Conferenceで、自社の航空宇宙チームが、Purecabin Total Air Filtration Systemの地上における全システム試験に初めて成功したと発表しました。Pall Aerospaceは、同社のシニアマーケティングディレクターであるSteve Simpson氏によると、客室とコックピット内に新鮮な空気を取り入れるフィルターシステムとして、2020年半ばまでに、エアバスA320 ファミリーにPurecabinを搭載する認証を受けることを目的としています。Pall Aerospaceは、2020年半ばまでに、空気供給にエンジンオイルや油圧用作動油、除氷液を検知するセンサーを承認するつもりであると、彼は付け加えました。そのセンサーはフィルターシステムと連動あるいは独立して作動します。Simpson氏によると、Purecabinはフィルターを通過した抽気を初めて客室に取り込みます。


「当社は、この炭素複合が、客室に空気を供給する際に生じるリン酸トリクレジルやTCPなど化学薬品の存在を緩和させることを立証してきた」と、彼は指摘します。「新鮮空気フィルターであるMist and Vapor Eliminators (MaVE) も、機外から生じた臭気やシステム異状による臭気を除去する。」



Clean Air
ボーイング737に搭載した7.5インチの環境制御システム管内に取り付けられたと思われる、Aviation Clean Airによるシステムのモックアップ。

Pall Aerospaceは抽気のフィルトレーションに、すでに十分な実績があります。同社は、DHL AviationのためにSTCが承認した、ボーイング757-200フレイター特にロールスロイス社製のRB211-535を搭載、のコックピットのレトロフィットとして新鮮空気フィルターを製造しました。既存のエアダクトに取り入れたコックピットのフィルターは、2012年以来、欧州航空安全機関(EASA)による設計と性能の宣言(DDP)の承認の下で、製造に際して完全承認を得てきました。Simpson氏は立場上公表していないが、DHL以外の航空会社はそれを検討しているにもかかわらず、DHL 757-200フライターが、これまでで唯一、そのシステムを取り入れました。

アメリカン航空の機体エンジニアリングのマネージングダイレクターであるStacy Morrissey氏の報告によると、同社は、新鮮空気のフィルターシステムを、数年間にわたりフィルター製造業者と共同開発してきました。さらに、航空機や設備、地上おけるフルスケール試験の支援を提供してきました。しかし、その技術に見込みはあるが、レトロフィットは容易でも安価でもない、と彼女は警告します。


その一方、マネージングメンバーであるMallie Seckinger氏によると、サバンナに本社を置くAviation Clean Air (ACA)が開発した、客室の空気を浄化する新しい方法だと、航空機の客室とコックピットに高額のフィルターを使う必要がありません。ACA2012年に設立され、Aviation Clean Airの名前を冠した装備品を開発・販売してきました。Southern Aviation Parts and Service (SAPS)、およびACAの認証取得したエンジニアパートナー、過半数の株主からSTCの下でレトロフィットが可能です。

Seckinger氏が説明しているように、Aviation Clean Air社のACA装備品は「100%グリーン技術」です。完全な電子部品であり、化学薬品を使わず、臭気も有害な副生成物も発生させません。「技術は電子イオン化を通じて、自然の天然由来の洗浄、臭気除去、消毒プロセスを再現して進展させる」、と彼は述べています。




ACA装備品が、FAAForm 337Return to Serviceの下で、修正や変更の後、2014年、ファルコン2000に初めて取り入れられました。その後、STCForm 337によって、生産中あるいは運用中のガルフストリームジェットとりわけ、G450GVG550G650G650ERで承認されています。さらに、レオナルド社製のAW169ヘリコプターに承認されたことは、民間航空会社で初の適用になります。

VIP仕様のいくつかの航空機、とりわけボーイング737-800737 BBJ737 マックス8、エアバスA320A330-200には、ACA装備品が含まれていた」と、Seckinger氏は説明します。「当社は航空市場を成長のチャンスと見ており、事実、航空機のレトロフィットについて航空会社2社と話を進めている。」


Collins Aerospaceの航空機の客室内空気質のチーフエンジニアであるLance Bartosz氏は、自社が大型民間航空機現在はボーイング787に、唯一の100%新鮮空気用ECSを供給していることを確認します。彼の説明によると、エンジンによって供給されるそれまでの加圧抽気は、電動モーター駆動のコンプレッサーに置き換えられます。それは外気を取り込み、客室に高圧空気を供給します。「これは客室内の空気から完全にエンジン抽気を遮断し、あらゆるオペレーションモードを通じて航空機に必要な空気流量を正確に調整して、燃費を減らしつつ、客室の快適性を向上させる」、とBartosz氏は述べています。


彼によると、Collins Aerospaceは、かねてよりフィルトレーションを、自社パートナーと共同開発しています。そして、ECSを最適化し、空気質や湿度、温度、新鮮空気の流量の点で乗客の快適性を向上させる方法を開発し続けています。


When American Airlines Flight 729 took off from London’s Heathrow Airport on a routine flight to Philadelphia on Oct. 21, a strong odor engulfed the cabin of the Airbus A330-300, prompting the flight crew to divert to Dublin, where it landed safely. News media reported that passengers complained of burning eyes and itchy skin. Of the 287 customers and 12 crew onboard, two crew members and one customer were taken to the hospital for evaluation, and all were released the same day.

The source of the fumes was a cleaning solution that spilled in the galley.

While fume events are rare, they are a reminder that cabin air has potential health risks. This is because the air supply on nearly all turbine-driven aircraft is a combination of fresh and recirculated air. The fresh air pumped into the cabin is engine bleed air. Currently, the only exception is the Boeing 787, which uses a separate, bleed-free system. Once in the cabin, that air is filtered to screen out pathogens and odors as it is recirculated.

“It is the bleed air that will be contaminated with engine oils, mainly from the compressor bearings compartment, as the oil seals leak—and all engine seals leak,” says Tristan Loraine, cofounder of the London-based Global Cabin Air Quality Executive.

“In recent years, there has been growing concern about the health risks of smoke and fume events from the bleed air, sometimes generated by the failure of an engine oil seal,” he notes.

Loraine also reports that another inhalation hazard from bleed air is hydraulic fluid, which, he points out, is about 70% organophosphate. Although he adds that HEPA (high-efficiency particulate arrestance) filters have proven very effective at removing bacteria and viruses from recirculated air, Loraine points out that no regulations—only guidelines—exist as to when they should be replaced. “Some airlines are installing dual HEPA/activated carbon filters to remove [volatile organic compounds (VOC)] from the recirculated air,” he says.

In fact, suppliers of aircraft environmental control systems (ECS) see opportunities in the field of cleaning cabin air and are developing technologies to pursue them.

At the Aircraft Cabin Air International Conference in London last September, Pall Aerospace Corp. announced that its aerospace team completed the first full-system ground test of its Purecabin Total Air Filtration System. Pall Aerospace aims for certification of Purecabin on the Airbus A320 family by mid-2020 as a full fresh air cabin and cockpit filtration system, according to Steve Simpson, senior marketing director. He adds that by mid-2020, Pall Aerospace expects to certify a sensor that will detect the presence of engine oil, hydraulic and deicing fluid in the air supply. The sensor will work in conjunction with, or independent of, the filtration system. Purecabin, Simpson says, will bring filtered bleed air to the passenger cabin for the first time.

It employs a “high-performance synthetic carbon” which, Simpson explains, has been extensively tested by an independent laboratory against a wide range of chemicals.

“We have demonstrated that this synthetic carbon will mitigate the presence of chemicals that may be found in the cabin air supply, including tricresyl phosphate, or TCP,” he notes. “The Mist and Vapor Eliminators (MaVE) fresh air filters will also remove odors that originate from outside the aircraft or those that are due to system malfunction.”

He says the system has been designed with a minimum-weight, low-maintenance approach. “Weight and maintenance were an important consideration for Purecabin, since it has to be integrated into an existing aircraft system,” he explains.

Simpson confirms that a number of new technologies are under consideration for future filtration. “However, we have to be careful that by solving one problem, we do not create another,” he says. “For example, catalysis can be effective, although in some cases it may produce contaminants of more concern than those currently entering the system.”

Pall Aerospace already has a successful track record with bleed air filtration. The company created a fresh air filter for cockpit retrofit on the Boeing 757-200 freighter—specifically powered by the Rolls-Royce RB211-535—certified by an STC for DHL Aviation. Installed in an existing air duct, the cockpit filter has had full production approval since 2012, under European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) declaration of design performance (DDP) approval. To date, the DHL 757-200 freighters are the system’s only application, although other airlines, which Simpson is not at liberty to disclose, are considering it.

Stacy Morrissey, managing director of fleet engineering for American Airlines, reports that the carrier has been working with filter manufacturers for the past several years on fresh air filtration systems by providing aircraft, facilities and support for full-scale ground tests. However, she cautions that while the technology is promising, retrofits are not expected to be easy or inexpensive.

“As with many projects, there are technical issues that must be overcome. For this project, for example, we need to make sure that airflow to the cabin and the ability of the system to control temperature is not appreciably affected with the filters installed,” says Morrissey.

In the meantime, a new approach to cabin air purification by Savannah-based Aviation Clean Air (ACA) could make it unnecessary to use the more expensive filters in aircraft cabins and cockpits, according to Mallie Seckinger, managing member. ACA was established in 2012 to develop and market its eponymous Aviation Clean Air component, which is available for retrofit under an STC from Southern Aviation Parts and Service (SAPS), ACA’s certification engineering partner and majority shareholder.

As Seckinger explains, Aviation Clean Air’s ACA component is “100% green technology” since it is completely electronic, uses no chemicals and produces no odors or harmful byproducts. “The technology replicates and accelerates nature’s natural cleansing, odor-elimination and pathogen disinfection process through an electronic ionization process,” he says.

Activation commences when the aircraft’s ECS is switched on, and air begins flowing into the cabin and cockpit through the air ducts. Seckinger stresses that the system is not a filter and has no filter-system structural characteristics. “The component is quickly installed seamlessly in the air ducts, has no moving parts to wear out and requires no scheduled maintenance,” he remarks. The system weighs 2 lb., including mounting hardware. The number of components needed per aircraft depends upon the layout of the existing duct system. “As examples, a Gulfstream G550 requires two, while a Boeing 737 requires four,” he says.

The ACA component, Seckinger points out, was designed to achieve continuously improved air quality, along with surface purification, simultaneously. “Within just a few seconds, it proactively and effectively controls both existing as well as newly created odors, such as VOCs, including those associated with, but not limited to, fuel emissions and the fueling process,” he says. “It also eliminates cooking, cleaning and stale air odors, wherever the conditioned ECS air reaches.”

Seckinger says that the ACA component also kills existing as well as newly created pathogens brought into the aircraft and spread by aircraft servicing personnel, passengers or crew members through touching, coughing or sneezing—throughout the cockpit and cabin—significantly reducing the likelihood of flight-acquired diseases.

Initially installed on a Falcon 2000 in 2014 under an FAA Form 337 Return to Service following an alteration or modification, the ACA component is certified on in-production and in-service Gulfstream jets—specifically the G450, GV, G550, G650 and G650ER, either under an STC or Form 337.  Also certified on the Leonardo AW169 helicopter, it is now on the verge of a commercial air carrier application for the first time.

“The ACA component has been included with some airliner VIP configurations, specifically on the Boeing 737-800, 737 BBJ, 737 MAX 8, Airbus A320 and A330-200,” Seckinger explains. “We see the airline market as a growth opportunity, and, in fact, we are in talks with two airlines about a fleet retrofit.”

While he could not disclose those airlines’ names, he did comment that the focus is on the A320 and 737. Seckinger reports that ACA can either sell the components individually to meet the airline requirements per their drawings for installation, or the vendor can manufacture any required hardware for the installation.

Lance Bartosz, chief engineer for aircraft cabin air quality at Collins Aerospace, confirms that the company provides what is still the only 100% fresh air ECS on large commercial aircraft—currently the Boeing 787. As he explains, the traditional pressurized bleed air provided by the engine is replaced by electric-motor-driven compressors that take in outside ambient air and provide pressurized air for the cabin. “This completely decouples the engine bleed air from the cabin air and precisely tailors air flow to aircraft requirements throughout all modes of operation, increasing cabin comfort while reducing fuel consumption,” says Bartosz.

With the arrival of more-electric aircraft, Bartosz explains that there is now a tradeoff between traditional pneumatic or a more electric function. “Bleed air usage is considered a fuel penalty since it takes away some energy generated by the engine for a purpose other than propulsion. Depending on the aircraft and ECS configuration, for example, it could be more efficient to generate pressurized air using an electric compressor.”

Collins Aerospace, he says, continues to work with its filtration partners to develop ways to optimize the ECS and improve passenger comfort with air quality, humidity, temperature and fresh air flow rate.

“In some cases, we may consider the addition of new equipment to improve the cabin environment. But adding new components such as additional filters to an existing aircraft can adversely affect the cabin conditions if the system is not properly engineered. While we try to minimize the additional weight and maintenance associated with adding components, inevitably it is unlikely to result in a zero net impact,” he says.