
High-speed rail could shrink regional air traffic, a UBS report says.
Credit: Joe Pries


To the list of potential long-term challenges to commercial aviation from the COVID-19 crisis, add the likelihood of faster growth in high-speed train services for travelers in China and Europe, according to a new report by a major investment bank.


In the April 2 report titled, “By train or by plane? The traveler’s dilemma after Covid-19 and amid climate change concerns,” UBS analysts and researchers discuss how soon a shift by Chinese and European consumers away from air to rail could happen. They looked at what the impact might be for both business and leisure passengers, the potential savings in carbon emissions and how industries could be affected.


 “Some investments for projects to lower carbon emissions may be diverted to supporting the transport and travel industries, but we do not believe the developed world will abandon its ambition of ‘net zero’ carbon emissions by 2050, nor that consumers will no longer want to optimize the use of their time by  taking longer train journeys,” the UBS team said. “We, therefore, expect an acceleration in the shift from planes to high-speed rail (HSR) in both Europe and China.”


Based on their analysis, the UBS team said intra-regional air traffic growth could be lower and therefore may weigh on traffic volumes and valuations in the aerospace, airline, airport, infrastructure and oil sectors. “The most significantly affected sectors will likely aim to find new business models, and to develop products and infrastructure that can accelerate the reduction of carbon emissions,” according to the report.


Benefactors would be manufacturers of train rolling stock, signaling, controls and brakes.

根据瑞银证据实验室(UBS Evidence Lab)对中国、法国、德国、意大利和西班牙1000人进行的调查数据,休闲旅客可以忍受在火车上5-6小时,欧盟商务旅客最多可忍受4小时,而普遍认为能忍受2-3小时。与此同时,据瑞银称,在中国,高铁让更多的旅客放弃公路出行,而不是放弃航空出行,但这种情况可能会改变。服务和频率是长途列车需求的关键驱动因素,当运营商之间引入竞争时,两者都可以得到改善。

According to data from a UBS Evidence Lab survey of 1,000 people in China, France, Germany, Italy and Spain, leisure travelers will tolerate 5-6 hours on a train, with EU business travelers up to four hours compared with the consensus of 2-3 hours. Meanwhile, in China, HSR has taken more travelers off the roads than away from airlines, according to UBS, but that could change. Service and frequency are key drivers of demand for longer train journeys, and both can be improved when competition among operators is introduced.


UBS researchers estimate that the compound annual growth rate in the air traffic market—by revenue  passenger kilometers (RPK)—over the 2018-28 period could drop to  0.1% for intra-Europe (compared with the 4.1%  assumed by 2019 forecasts from Airbus and Boeing), 1.8% for intra-U.S. (versus 3.2%) and 6.4% for intra-China (against 8.1%). Overall, this would cut the global air traffic growth forecast to about 4.6% annually, versus the 5.1% estimated before the COVID-19 outbreak that most aircraft OEMs and traffic analysts have in their 10- or 20-year outlooks, the UBS team said.

高铁长期以来一直是全球客机增长的潜在威胁者。当被问及他最密切关注的行业增长潜力指标是什么时,波音首席销售员兰迪·廷塞思(Randy Tinseth)告诉《航空周刊》,高铁是一个关键因素。以前,这种威胁源于类似的旅行时间和便利性。然而,可持续性因素越来越可能打破航空旅行和高铁出行之间的平衡。

HSR has long been a background threat to global airliner growth. Asked about what indicators he watched closest for his industry’s growth potential, chief Boeing salesman Randy Tinseth told Aviation Week that HSR was a key factor. Previously the threat stemmed from comparable travel times and ease of use. Increasingly, however, sustainability factors could tip the balance between air travel and HSR.


The UBS team said that as well as the economic downturn triggered by COVID-19, “movement restrictions may also be remembered for having abruptly reduced emissions in developed and emerging  countries for weeks,  [and] triggered new habits (remote working, the use of social video-calling apps) and given a majority of the population the experience of much lower levels of pollution.”

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