波音747-8可能已经临近停产 | End Of Boeing 747-8 Production Line Might Be Near

UPS Boeing 747-8
UPS Boeing 747-8
Credit: Boeing

波音公司拒绝证实有关其准备终止波音747长达50年的生产的报道,但《Aviation Week Network - 航空周刊》了解到该机的主要供应商早在2019年就已获悉波音计划在2023年完成所有波音747的交付。

Boeing declines to confirm reports that it is preparing to end the five-decade long production run of the 747, but Aviation Week understands key suppliers were briefed in 2019 on the company’s plans to complete deliveries in 2023.

据彭博社报道,在今年早些时候的财务文件中,波音暗示了其决定放缓波音747未来的销售,仅维持其生产线。此前波音表示将继续“评估” 波音747-8项目的可行性,而后来波音的文件中不再包含这样的措辞。

According to Bloomberg, Boeing’s decision to wind down further attempts to sell the aircraft and sustain the line were hinted at in financial filings earlier this year. These no longer contained standard wording which, in earlier documents, said Boeing would continue to “evaluate the viability” of the 747-8 program.


But Boeing says little has materially changed to indicate the potential closure of the program, other than the gradual reduction of the firm order backlog. According to the company’s latest numbers this officially stands at 16, which at the current production rate of six per year would see the line out to 2023. However, the true tally shrinks to 12 when considering accounting adjustments, and the delivery of the latest -8F freighter, line number 1559, to air freight operator UPS in June.