
American Airlines CEO Doug Parker and I while touring the airline’s Tulsa base before the big announcement.
Credit: American Airlines


Twenty-five years ago, an event happened that would forever change the aviation aftermarket industry. 


Three people saw a change coming in the airline industry and had a vision to harness the power of what they saw—and one made it happen. It was the birth of MRO—the acronym synonymous with today’s aviation aftermarket, as well as the Aviation Week event series.

“在达拉斯举行的[MRO ’96]的名称和第一次会议是在《航空周刊》出版商KenGazzola;《航空周刊》主编Don Fink;迦南集团(Canaan Group,这家咨询公司开创了MRO外包及其现代供应链扩张的先河)总裁George Ebbs;当时领导小型《航空周刊》会议小组并为制作第一场MRO活动及此后至今的每一届MRO提供贸易展执行专业知识的Lydia Janow主持的一系列会议和头脑风暴中酝酿出来的。”《航空周刊》总裁Greg Hamilton说。

 “The name and the first conference [MRO ’96] in Dallas were hatched in a frenzy of meetings and brainstorming sessions headed by Ken Gazzola, Aviation Week’s publisher; Don Fink, Aviation Week editor-in-chief; George Ebbs, president of the Canaan Group, a consulting firm that pioneered the expansion of MRO outsourcing and its modern supply chain; and Lydia Janow, who led the small Aviation Week conference unit at the time and provided the tradeshow executional expertise to produce the first MRO event . . . and every MRO thereafter, continuing to this day,” says Greg Hamilton, Aviation Week Network president.

MRO'96于3月10-12日在达拉斯费尔蒙特酒店的宴会厅举行。Janow的预算是针对25家参展商和350名与会者。“但我们最终迎来了70家参展商[和等候参展者],以及500多名与会者,”她说。尽管分隔会议和展览空间的帷幕并没能挡住参展商布置过程中的清洁噪声,但会议被认为是巨大的成功。 (从那时起,我们改进了诸如此类的细节。)

MRO ’96 was held in Dallas on March 10-12 at the Fairmont Hotel’s ballroom. Janow budgeted for 25 exhibitors and 350 conference attendees. “We ended up with 70 exhibitors [and a waiting list] and more than 500 conference attendees,” she says. Although the curtain separating the conference and exhibition spaces did not drown out vacuuming underway during exhibitor setup, the conference was considered a big success. (We’ve improved details such as that since then.)

Gazzola联系Ross Perot,Jr.寻求支持Ross Perot,Jr.的家族牵头在沃思堡建设了联盟机场。这表示MRO ’96的与会者能够参观新机场这是美国航空公司维修设施的所在地)并在佩罗的Circle T Ranch参加盛大的德克萨斯烧烤会。

Gazzola had contacted Ross Perot, Jr., whose family led the establishment of Alliance Airport in Fort Worth, for his support. That entailed MRO ’96 attendees touring the new airport, which was home to an American Airlines maintenance facility, and attending a spectacular Texas barbeque at Perot’s Circle T Ranch.

在MRO ’96大会上,航空公司需要通过外包维修和减少库存来降低成本是热门话题。航空公司面临压力,不得不专注于自己的“核心竞争力”,并将其他要素转移到供应商身上。美国联合航空公司(United Airlines)的UAL服务总裁Stephan Regulinski主张将任何不属于航空公司“增值性质”的维护工作外包出去,但他警告称,根据《航空周刊》关于MRO'96的一篇文章,“联合航空的员工所有权计划使该公司有超过20%的维护工作无法外包出去。”

At MRO ’96, the theme of airlines needing to cut costs—by outsourcing maintenance and reducing inventories—was the hot topic. Airlines were being pressured to focus on their “core competencies” and shift other elements to suppliers. Stephan Regulinski, president of UAL Services for United Airlines, advocated outsourcing any maintenance that was not of a “value-added nature” for the carrier, but he cautioned, “United’s employee ownership plan limits the airline from outsourcing more than 20% of maintenance work,” according to an Aviation Week article about MRO ’96.

波音总裁Philip Condit敦促航空公司和MRO建立并保持相互对话”,以便在这个新的世界中顺利前行。

Boeing President Philip Condit urged airlines and MROs to establish and sustain a “mutual dialog” with each to navigate this new world. 


Engine OEM business fundamentals also were under pressure: Increased engine reliability decreased the number of powerplants needed, customers wanted cost guarantees and better service, and a Rolls-Royce speaker cited rising spares costs that were suppressing engine sales. This was prompting Rolls to “make it very difficult” for new entrants to get into its aftermarket.


In 1996, Overhaul & Maintenance, the original name of this magazine that launched in 1995, pegged the MRO market to climb to $60 billion by the year 2000. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, Aviation Week was forecasting the 2020 commercial aviation MRO market dollar demand to be worth $91.2 billion, but now the forecast is 20-30% less.


Even with this drop, it’s a big, dynamic market—and one that will continue to evolve and persevere. Happy 25th anniversary, and thank you for being part of it.

这条消息是Lee Ann Shay在Inside MRO 杂志发表的文章。《Inside MRO》杂志研究商用飞机MRO领域的最新趋势和技术。每期月刊都提供了做出关键技术、业务和运营决策所需的信息。此外,订阅者每月还会收到一期《Aviation Week & Space Technology》杂志,该杂志是业内新兴技术分析和见解的主要来源。点击此处查看有关Inside MRO更多消息。