波音公司漫长的恢复之路 | Long Road To Recovery For Boeing

A year may seem like a long time in politics, but for Boeing, two years in aerospace must be an eternity as it begins the slow recovery from the unparalleled series of setbacks, accidents and downturns that have struck it since 2018.
At the Farnborough International Airshow two years ago, before its world was upended by the first of two fatal 737 MAX accidents in October 2018, Boeing’s biggest challenges concerned how to meet surging demand for its new single-aisle derivative family. At the time, the company furiously was studying the new midmarket airplane (NMA) amid seemingly positive prospects for a 2019 launch.
The company simultaneously was gearing up for the start of 777X flight tests and planning for production increases on the 767 and 787. Ultimately, Boeing ended the 2018 air show with 673 orders and commitments—the bulk of them for 737s, along with a total of more than 100 787s, 777s and 747 freighters. The event also provided an occasion for Boeing and Embraer to detail their merger plans.
But now, in what would be another Farnborough Airshow month in a normal even-numbered year, how far away that old world is. Perhaps nothing symbolizes the company’s fall from grace better than the fate of its 737-7 development aircraft, 1E001. Two years ago, it was one of the stars of the 2018 show, impressing crowds with its agile flying display and quiet fly-pasts. Fast-forward to July 2020, and the same aircraft is being used for recertification flights aimed at ultimately returning the MAX to service after an unprecedented 16-month grounding.
So what now? With Boeing’s most popular product sidelined, production of widebodies slashed in response to the market collapse triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Embraer deal dead and its product development strategy in disarray, the company is retrenching. While Boeing steadies the ship, it also is leaning more heavily than ever on its defense business, which contributes more than 30% of the organization’s overall turnover.
In terms of its finances, Boeing is entering uncharted territory and certainly is far from where stakeholders thought it would be at the start of 2020.
In March, Boeing stunned the financial world and Washington when it asked for more than $60 billion in federally backed assistance—mostly for itself but also for the roughly 17,000 direct and indirect suppliers that feed into the OEM and prime defense contractor’s supply chain.
波音总裁兼首席执行官David Calhoun在保证“资金使用透明和支持波音的供应链”的同时,还指出本次新冠疫情提供了一个解决多年来困扰该行业问题的机会。
While pledging “transparency and support for the supply chain that supports Boeing,” President and CEO David Calhoun also points out that COVID-19 presents an opportunity not to be missed to fix issues that have plagued the industry for years.
“I would argue that the more troublesome problem in our industry was the supply constraints and the instability of the supply chain,” he says. “Without a virus, I don’t know if that was going to get fixed anytime soon. With a virus, you have an opportunity to reengineer lines and reengineer the supply chain and get ahead of the curve.”
With an initial return to service for the MAX in September now looking increasingly realistic, the company’s focus remains fixed on efforts to begin delivering the huge inventory of stored 737s while slowly restoring production of new aircraft at its Renton, Washington, facility. Despite signs of progress on these fronts, Boeing is bracing for more headwinds. Even if certification is approved within the next two months, the manufacturer knows it will be challenging for most airlines to accept the grounded MAXs in significant numbers. Deliveries are needed urgently to restore Boeing’s cash flow.
“When we’re through the COVID waves, vaccines are widely distributed around the world and people have begun to recover from the fear of the virus, we’ll be right back to where we were,” Calhoun says. “Global trade will not stop, global economic interdependence will not end, and the growing middle class in the world will still want to travel.”
To get back to normal production rates, “in Boeing’s case it might be three, it might be five years,” he notes.
除尚未交付的波音737MAX 10之外,其他波音737MAX的市场份额也在加速下降,波音也暂停了其产品的开发研究。有波音内部人士告诉《Aviation Week Network - 航空周刊》,他们可能要花五到六年的时间才能推出下一代单通道系列客机,由于波音737MAX现在的远景预期不佳,因此下一代单通道客机将是下一个关注重点。
Beyond the 737-10 and in spite of the MAX losing market share at an accelerated pace, Boeing has hit the pause button on its product-development studies. Company insiders tell Aviation Week it is likely to be five or six years before the company will commit to the launch of a next-generation single-aisle family, which is now the next logical focus for its efforts given the diminished long-term prospects of the MAX.
While in retrospect, the company’s early-2020 decision not to proceed with the NMA was a blessing in disguise, the path forward remains uncertain, particularly in terms of timing and technology.
有很多东西需要波音公司的产品战略负责人深思。 波音明白他们已经将NMA市场的下段部分“割让“给了空客A321XLR;而且一旦波音737MAX重新上市,波音就必须做出关键决策,以避免2030年代时在单通道飞机市场上将更多的选择权让给欧洲竞争对手。
Boeing’s product strategy leaders have much to ponder. The company knows it has effectively ceded the lower segment of the NMA market to the Airbus A321XLR and that once the MAX is back in the air, key decisions must be made to avoid potentially losing the future single-aisle sector to more sustainable options from its European competitor in the 2030s.
这条消息是Guy Norris, Sean Broderick, Michael Bruno和Jens Flottau在Flight Paths Forward发表文章的摘要。 从完整文章可获得有关波音公司财务状况、波音737MAX的重新认证进度、有关波音777X中首款机型的测试和认证,以及其他详细信息。
This is an abbreviated version of an article by Guy Norris, Sean Broderick, Michael Bruno and Jens Flottau that appeared in Flight Paths Forward. Get details of Boeing’s finances, the progress of MAX’s recertification, the test and certification of the first 777X derivative and more in the full article.