China Eastern Accident Probe Yields Few Answers

China Eastern Airlines crash debris
Officials said on March 31 that the probe’s on-site phase was wrapping up.
Credit: Lu Boan/Xinhua/Getty Images
Investigators working to understand the sequence of events that resulted in a China Eastern Airlines Boeing 737-800 descending rapidly from cruising altitude before crashing into the side of a mountain during a routine domestic flight on March 21 have offered few clues to explain the disaster. Ten...
Sean Broderick

Senior Air Transport & Safety Editor Sean Broderick covers aviation safety, MRO, and the airline business from Aviation Week Network's Washington, D.C. office.

Chen Chuanren

Chen Chuanren is the Southeast Asia and China Editor for the Aviation Week Network’s (AWN) Air Transport World (ATW) and the Asia-Pacific Defense Correspondent for AWN, joining the team in 2017.

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