Air Transport Maintenance & Training

Apr 12, 2017
MRO Briefs-April 12, 2017
Apr 07, 2017
MRO Briefs-April 7, 2017
Apr 05, 2017
The Austrian regional carrier People’s Viennaline—which will close its Altenrhein-Friedrichshafen-Cologne route April 14—anticipates a move into the aircraft, crew, maintenance and insurance (ACMI) market as it attempts to offset the effect of the route closure.
Mar 31, 2017
MRO Briefs-March 31, 2017
Mar 28, 2017
Commercial aviation faces pressures from several fronts, including volatile gas prices, demands for low airfares, a global multi-echelon supply chain, and the need to keep the fleet flight-ready at all times. One of the key aircraft availability drivers is time spent in maintenance.
May 27, 2020
Figuring out how to make passengers comfortable boarding aircraft again, without having to block off middle seats indefinitely, is a problem the…
May 26, 2020
U.S. carriers are cautiously optimistic amid signs of a domestic rebound.
May 24, 2020
Training and simulation provider CAE believes it has plumbed the depths of the business decline it has experienced from the coronavirus pandemic,…
May 22, 2020
C Cubed Aerospace hopes to receive an FAA supplemental type certificate for its Airbus A320 passenger-to-freighter conversion by the end of 2020, and another following not too far behind for its A321 conversion. The timing could be good given changes in the cargo-conversion dynamic.
May 21, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic could be the push the industry needs to get the FAA to update outdated aviation maintenance training regulations. The pandemic…
May 21, 2020
India applied some of the most severe virus-retarding restrictions to both aviation and its economy generally.
May 20, 2020
When traffic starts to grow again, Europe’s system of hubs and secondary airports may evolve.
May 19, 2020
With coronavirus taking an increasing toll in Brazil, the country’s airlines have had to follow their peers around the world and ground progressively more aircraft.