Latest News & Analysis

Feb 14, 2020
Flight test exposed Starliner software glitches, but NASA is more concerned about what else may be lurking in process flaws.
Feb 13, 2020
Accelerating plans to land astronauts on the Moon in 2024 will cost $35 billion, says NASA.
Feb 12, 2020
Boeing appears to be redirecting its next new airliner project to compete more directly with the long-range Airbus A321XLR rather than take on the broader 757-767 replacement market previously studied under the shelved New Midmarket Airplane project.
Feb 11, 2020
EASA has released the first edition of its “Artificial Intelligence Roadmap,” a document that begins to answer OEMs’ questions on how to certify an AI-based system.
Feb 10, 2020
NASA’s Artemis initiative to return human explorers to the Moon’s surface in 2024 is expected to cost about $35 billion going forward, Douglas Loverro, NASA’s new associate administrator for human exploration and operations, told a Feb. 10 news briefing at NASA’s Johnson Space Center.
Feb 10, 2020
The Trump administration’s fiscal 2021 defense budget request is “flat” for the Pentagon but doubles down on space, hypersonic and cyber capabilities against China, Russia and others and would make recent changes to the national security structure “irreversible,” officials said Feb 10.
Feb 10, 2020
The Trump administration has proposed a fiscal 2021 budget of $17.5 billion for the FAA, which includes new funding for safety oversight in response to the Boeing 737 MAX crashes, but falls below the budget enacted for the current fiscal year.