Spirit AeroSystems Outlines Latest Boeing 737 Disruption

boeing 737 fuselages en route between sprit aerosystems and boeing

The 737 fuselage rework will slow Spirit’s new-parts production for several months.

Credit: William Campbell/Corbis/Getty Images
Spirit AeroSystems has a new and unwelcome top priority for the next several months: repairing dozens of Boeing 737s it supplied with nonconforming vertical tail attachment fittings. The work will disrupt factory flow, cost the company an as-yet-unknown amount of money and add to a list of sizable...
Sean Broderick

Senior Air Transport & Safety Editor Sean Broderick covers aviation safety, MRO, and the airline business from Aviation Week Network's Washington, D.C. office.

Michael Bruno

Based in Washington, Michael Bruno is Aviation Week Network’s Executive Editor for Business. He oversees coverage of aviation, aerospace and defense businesses, supply chains and related issues.

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