Ukraine war

War in Ukraine

Aviation Week Staff
The supply of aircraft spare parts and maintenance services was banned by the EU along with the delivery and lease of commercial airliners in early March in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Airlines & Lessors

By Helen Massy-Beresford, Ben Goldstein, Adrian Schofield
Ukraine invasion and sanctions exacerbating already high fuel prices for airlines looking to COVID-19 recovery.
Airlines & Lessors

By Brian Everstine
The U.S. military is bolstering its presence in Europe with a deployment of U.S. Navy Boeing E/A-18 Growler electronic attack aircraft.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Thierry Dubois
As the EU enforces sanctions against Russia for its invasion of Ukraine, Europe’s air transport industry has new problems to solve, ranging from the financial health of its carriers to air traffic management and a post-war relationship with Russia.
Safety, Ops & Regulation

Aviation Week Network staff
The lack of widebody capacity for international services is making Russian carriers look for alternative ways to serve foreign destinations.
Airlines & Lessors

By Alex Derber
Faced with mounting challenges from Western sanctions, Russian carriers are seeking solutions for the supply of parts and materials.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Tony Osborne
NATO leaders have pledged to increase materiel support to Ukraine and further strengthen the alliance’s presence in Eastern Europe.
Budget, Policy & Operations

Aviation Week Network staff
The conflict in Ukraine has triggered a serious management crisis within Russia’s largest airline group Aeroflot.
Airlines & Lessors

By Kurt Hofmann
Ukraine’s SkyUp Airlines is adapting its business model following Russia’s invasion, which has put an end to the carrier’s scheduled services.
Airlines & Lessors

By Jens Flottau
Amid sanctions triggered by Russia’s war in Ukraine, many short-term and medium-term initiatives are in play to keep industry going.
Airlines & Lessors

By Steve Trimble
A spokesman for Turkey’s government on March 23 called proposal for sending the NATO country’s S-400 systems to Ukraine “quite unrealistic today.”
Missile Defense & Weapons

By Brian Everstine
Forty GOP members of the House and Senate Armed Services Committee called for a 5% increase in the Pentagon’s budget in a March 23 letter to President Joe Biden, while the Democratic leader of the Senate panel is urging some patience and to wait for a new strategy.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Garrett Reim
Viasat is still working to restore internet to some of its users after a suspected Russian cyberattack took thousands of KA-SAT satellite terminals in Europe offline starting Feb. 24.
Commercial Space

By Thierry Dubois
As cooperation with Russia dwindles and Ukrainian suppliers vanish, ESA is reviewing its options in launch services and exploration.

By Brian Everstine
The U.S. defense industry needs multiple, simultaneously running production lines for key equipment such as munitions and drones to maintain a healthy stockpile for potential conflicts and avoid supply chain problems that could damage national security, the nominee to lead Pentagon acquisition told lawmakers.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Tony Osborne
Turkey’s government says it is working with both the Russian and Ukrainian governments on the safekeeping and ultimate return of two of its A400M airlifters stranded in Ukraine.
Multi-Mission Aircraft

Aviation Week Network staff
Russian airlines have very limited capacities for international services despite the government forcing airlines to relocate most of the Western-made airliners to the domestic registry, Russian Transport Minister Vitaly Savelyev said March 22.
Airlines & Lessors

By Henry Canaday
As commercial flights dip significantly in Russia, can the country find ways to get around Western sanctions?
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Karen Walker
A major war in Europe on top of a global pandemic might be thought of as a double black swan hit. In truth, and based on not-too-distant history
Airlines & Lessors

By Garrett Reim
One of a growing number of unintended consequences of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is a boost in business for the space industry.
Commercial Space

By Irene Klotz
Eighteen days after OneWeb decided to suspend launches of its broadband satellites from Russia in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the company has signed with SpaceX.

By Brian Everstine
Russia’s claim that it fired a Khinzal hypersonic missile at a munitions store in Ukraine within the past few days has left the Pentagon perplexed.
Missile Defense & Weapons

By Alan Dron
European carriers are moving cautiously when it comes to imposing fuel surcharges as a result of sharply rising oil prices, apparently wary of damaging the accelerating revival in passenger numbers.
Airlines & Lessors

Aviation Week Staff
Disruption of commercial and scientific cooperation with Western countries because of the conflict in Ukraine is likely to cause Russia’s space-launch campaign to be reduced by one-third this year.

By Tony Osborne
Russian forces claim to have used the Kinzhal hypersonic missile operationally for the first time.
Missile Defense & Weapons