Routes Reconnected 2020

By Ellie Wells
Chief executives from some of the world’s leading airlines will be in attendance at Routes Reconnected to discuss the long-term impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on their business models and how they intend to rebuild passenger demand.
Airports & Networks

By Wesley Charnock
As lockdowns ease, new market patterns, regulations and business practices are emerging. Those organizations that adapt most effectively will emerge strongest.
Airports & Networks

By Bhavisha Dandikar
We asked network planners from across the world about how COVID-19 has impacted their strategies and what they think will be the most important factors in reinstating networks.
Airports & Networks

By Bhavisha Dandikar
Following the announcement of Routes' brand new hybrid event, we take a look at what to expect from Routes Reconnected, taking place this November.
Airports & Networks

By Ellie Wells
Last week, Routes announced its brand-new hybrid event – Routes Reconnected. We spoke to Routes’ Director, Steven Small, to understand how the event will support the industry in rebuilding and reshaping the world’s air services in the post-pandemic era.
Airports & Networks

A new event is being launched by Routes which will provide an innovative platform for the aviation industry to rebuild air services in the post-pandemic era.
Airports & Networks