Routes Reconnected 2020

ASM assesses the current state of Europe’s aviation market and how 2021 is shaping up.
Airports & Networks

By Aaron Karp
CEO Brad Tilden explains the airline's evolution in thinking on global alliances.
Airports & Networks

By Wesley Charnock
'We’re in an entirely new era in powered flight, even as we confront this dire threat to our traditional operations,' ICAO's president says.
Airports & Networks

By David Casey
The Irelandia Aviation-owned ULCC remains in expansion mode despite the COVID-19 pandemic delaying some of its plans.
Airports & Networks

By David Casey
Routes looks at the top destinations and routes served by the Seattle-based carrier.
Airports & Networks

By David Casey
CEO says routes the airline 'would not have looked at before the crisis' are now being evaluated.
Airports & Networks

By Wesley Charnock
Riivo Tuvike also highlights leisure routes that were popular before the crisis but are currently unserved for 2021.
Airports & Networks

Aviation consultancy ASM looks at the latest situation in Latin America’s market and assesses how the region will fare during the year ahead.
Airports & Networks

By David Casey
Air France-KLM CEO Ben Smith discusses the overhaul of the group’s strategy in the French domestic market.
Airports & Networks

By David Casey
Depressed passenger demand is enabling the New York-based airline to explore new routes.
Airports & Networks

By David Casey
Anna Midera, president and CEO of Łódź Airport Central Poland, explains how big data is helping the airport to rebuild its network and discusses what needs to happen across Europe to restore demand.
Airports & Networks

Aviation consultancy ASM analyzes the current state of the North American market and projects how traffic will recover in 2021.
Airports & Networks

By Wesley Charnock
Routes Reconnected keynote speaker provides an update on the US LCC's plans.
Airports & Networks

By Rachel Pickford
Routes Reconnected will see the globe’s leading airlines, airports and tourism organisations come together to rebuild the world’s air services.
Airports & Networks

This article is sponsored by Berlin Brandenburg Airport.
Airports & Networks

This article is sponsored by Embraer.
Airports & Networks

By Ellie Wells
The formal agreement between the two organisations will provide platforms and guidance for airports at a world level, recognising the vital role they will play in driving economic recovery in a post-pandemic era.
Airports & Networks

By Routes Marketing Team
The virtual event will provide an unparalleled platform for the globe’s airports and tourism authorities to understand the core information they must provide to carriers that will influence route networks for years to come.
Airports & Networks

By Wesley Charnock
The New York-based carrier expects high VFR traffic over the holiday.
Airports & Networks

By Rachel Pickford
Routes Reconnected will unite the global route development community at the end of this month to pave the road to recovery and rebuild demand for Summer 2021.
Airports & Networks

By Wesley Charnock
In part two of this exclusive interview ahead of Routes Reconnected, Avianca Airlines CEO Anko van der Werff outlines the carrier’s network strategy and how he expects demand to shape up.
Airports & Networks

By Wesley Charnock
In the first of a special two-part interview ahead of Routes Reconnected, Avianca Airlines CEO Anko van der Werff shares his views on managing COVID, airline finances, and cooperation across the industry.
Airports & Networks

By Ellie Wells
During a series of airline briefings at Routes Reconnected, leaders of network planning teams will outline their recovery strategies, how they will identify new market opportunities and what support mechanisms will influence future route decisions.
Airports & Networks

By Rachel Pickford
Vice presidents and heads of network planning teams have registered for the event that will support the community in reshaping the world’s route networks.
Airports & Networks

By Bhavisha Dandikar
With less than 60 days to go until Routes’ hybrid event, we explore how Routes Reconnected will be critical in stimulating the industry’s recovery.
Airports & Networks