Boeing C-17

By Tony Osborne
Boeing currently supports several training programs in the UK.
Light Attack and Advanced Training

By Tony Osborne
The UK Royal Air Force has demonstrated a nonstop long-range flight of its Airbus A400M airlifter, from the UK to Guam.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Steve Trimble
The U.S. Air Force hailed the test flights as a “groundbreaking achievement," but magnetic navigation technology still faces technical limitations.
Sensors & Electronic Warfare

By Garrett Reim
U.S. Space Systems Command is closely watching SpaceX’s launch test of the fully reusable Starship/ Super Heavy launch vehicle, planned for April 20.

By Brian Everstine
The U.S. Air Force is planning the largest transatlantic crossing of combat aircraft since the lead-up to the 1990-1991 Gulf War this summer.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Brian Everstine
The U.S. Air Force recently deployed F-22s to a tiny, bare base in the Pacific for the first in a significant demonstration of its new agile operating concept.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Bradley Perrett
The results of the work will be a factor in any eventual decision on whether to attach finlets on the sides at the rear of the aircraft.
Aircraft & Propulsion