American Airlines

By Sean Broderick
The NTSB's insistence on recording interviews with American Airlines pilots involved in a serious incursion has pilots' unions concerned.
Safety, Ops & Regulation

By Lee Ann Shay
Recent airline financial data shows MRO costs increasing, and that trend is likely to continue.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Sean Broderick
Two troubling occurrences at U.S. airports will prompt an examination of airport operational safety risks.
Safety, Ops & Regulation

By Chris Sloan
Robert Isom, both an old hand and a new leader at American, exudes calm confidence in the airline’s future.
Airlines & Lessors

By Chris Sloan
American Airlines executives set out their strategy.
Airlines & Lessors

By Keith Mwanalushi
Safran Landing Systems reports increased interest from airlines in upgrading to carbon brakes.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By David Casey
A $2 million incentive package has helped to attract the new service.
Airports & Networks

By Lori Ranson
JetBlue and American Airlines coordinate in Boston and New York, but the US Justice Department is seeking to unwind the alliance.
Airports & Networks

By David Casey
Routes details the latest new route announcements, as well as the services returning to carriers’ networks.
Airports & Networks

By Lori Ranson
JetBlue Airways continues to focus a positive outcome for its alliance with American Airlines.
Airlines & Lessors

By Chris Sloan
The company is guiding a return to full-year profitability and a 7-9% operating margin for fiscal 2023.
Airlines & Lessors

By Karen Walker
Turn the page back just a few years, and cynicism was creeping in about the value of the global alliances and whether they had grown too big.
Airlines & Lessors

By Chris Sloan
Voting campaigns for new pilot collective bargaining agreements (CBA) are beginning to gain momentum at Delta Air Lines and Hawaiian Airlines.
Airlines & Lessors

By David Casey
With American Airlines' pandemic-related departure from the LAX-AKL route, Delta is seeking to fill a gap in the market.
Airports & Networks

By Chris Sloan
A decision is likely imminent in the 15-month-old Northeastern Alliance (NEA) U.S. Justice Department (DOJ) anti-trust lawsuit.
Safety, Ops & Regulation

By Chris Sloan
Opening day jitters included a litany of issues.
Airports & Networks

By Lori Ranson
American Airlines is guiding to a much better fourth quarter (Q4) performance than the company originally anticipated.
Airlines & Lessors

By Chris Sloan
The FAA held all U.S. domestic departures for more than two hours on the morning of Jan. 11 after the Notice to Air Mission system went down.
Safety, Ops & Regulation

By Chris Sloan
Flush U.S. consumers backed by a strong U.S. dollar are buoying stronger capacity growth.
Airlines & Lessors

By David Casey
The airline is making changes to its Middle East and US domestic schedules.
Airports & Networks

By Chris Sloan
The world’s largest airline enjoyed dramatic improvements in metrics such as completion factor and on-time performance during Q4 2022 and the holiday period.
Airlines & Lessors

By Routes Content Team
Routes details the latest new route announcements, as well as the services returning to carriers’ networks.
Airports & Networks

By Aaron Karp
The carrier will grow long-haul flying next year, including from its DFW base.
Airports & Networks

By Aaron Karp
A U.S. federal judge’s ruling on whether the alliance violates antitrust law is pending.
Airports & Networks

By Aaron Karp
A US federal judge’s ruling on whether the alliance violates antitrust law is pending.
Airports & Networks