Program Management

By Bradley Perrett
Ask the Editors: Even if airframers do source less from China, it won’t mean they will turn to Western suppliers.
Program Management

By Steve Trimble
A two-year evaluation has coalesced into plans to field a sea-based interceptor as quickly as possible.
Missile Defense & Weapons

By Michael Bruno
In the latter part of the last decade, Boeing was busy signing new master contract agreements with major commercial aerospace suppliers that solidified price reductions and other benefits to the OEM under its Partnering for Success (PFS) program.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Guy Norris
Boom and Virgin Galactic agreements with Rolls-Royce mark a potential competitive ramp-up in the commercial supersonic market sector.
Program Management

By Tony Osborne
BAE Systems will build a full-scale fuselage section of the notional Tempest design in its factory of the future trials.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Jefferson Morris
An Aviation Week panel sees significant changes coming in global military aircraft procurement over the next several years, as countries battered by the biggest global economic contraction since World War II look to simultaneously scale back defense spending and prop up their indigenous industries.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Lee Hudson
Capitol Hill is continuing to wait for the Pentagon to submit a report proposing changes to Space Force acquisition, but the document still needs to receive a blessing from the White House.

By Sean Broderick
The 737 MAX is the only Boeing commercial program slated to see its monthly production rate increase during the next few years.
Aircraft & Propulsion

Thad Allen, Brad Parkinson and Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger
The FCC has endangered a national treasure by allowing high-power terrestrial transmitters in the band of frequencies that includes GPS.

By Steve Trimble
A 2017 call to embrace a new, digital-based tack to design and production is guiding Boeing’s path to future defense and space contracts.
Defense and Space

By Sean Broderick
Boeing’s MAX backlog, already hit hard as lessors re-shuffle their commitments, could erode even more as airline financial situations deteriorate amid
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Steve Trimble
Leaps in computing power, sensors and weapons will benefit the F-35 in the next eight years—if Lockheed can keep modernization on track.
Defense and Space

By Irene Klotz
NASA has resumed preparations for a key hot fire test of the first Space Launch System (SLS) core booster, but the agency is keeping a wary eye on coronavirus cases striking members of the Mississippi-based test team, Administrator Jim Bridenstine said on July 17.

By Guy Norris
Despite the global air transport market collapse and aircraft production slowdown following the COVID-19 pandemic, Pratt & Whitney believes the longer-term impact may potentially accelerate the adoption of advanced propulsion technology as airframers revise product development strategies.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Mark Carreau
Interest in the human and robotic exploration of the Moon and Mars is on the rise—politically influenced budgets, the global economy and COVID-19 pandemic permitting.

By Jens Flottau
German air taxi startup Lilium is in “detailed discussions” with major suppliers as it prepares the next stage in development and service-entry of its Lilium Jet after concluding an agreement with Toray Industries to deliver composites for the aircraft’s structure.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Sean Broderick
Updated pilot training to support the Boeing 737 MAX’s return to service incorporates human factors lessons learned from the model’s two fatal accidents and related probes, providing pilots with more and clearer information on systems and emergency scenarios, pilots who have reviewed the draft material tell Aviation Week.
Program Management

By Tony Osborne
Italian and Swedish industry will begin joining discussions on Tempest later this year.
A&D Week 2020

By Graham Warwick
Renewable hydrogen will play a key role in supporting the EU’s commitment to be carbon neutral by 2050 by reducing emissions from hard-to-decarbonize sectors such as aviation, according to the European Commission’s Hydrogen Strategy unveiled on July 8.
Emerging Technologies

By Lee Hudson
The U.S. Air Force has received nominations from 26 states to become the future home of U.S. Space Command (Spacecom).
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Steve Trimble
Part-cruise missile and part-unmanned aircraft system, Skyborg is set to redefine air combat operations.
A&D Week 2020

By Tony Osborne
The British government is to make a $500 million investment in the failed communications satellite company OneWeb.

By Bill Carey
“We’re taking a very aggressive position right now, in trying to get more and more companies into the standard airworthiness process,” the head of FAA's UAS Integration Office said July 1.
Advanced Air Mobility

By Byron Callan
A silver lining of the pandemic is the Federal Reserve’s aggressive lowering of interest rates, which makes federal debt more affordable.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Bill Carey, Guy Norris
The FAA has authorized Boeing to begin certification flight testing of the grounded 737 MAX with an updated flight-control system.
Safety, Ops & Regulation