Safety, Ops & Regulation

By Sean Broderick, Steve Trimble
The unprecedented and ongoing examination of aircraft certification triggered by the two Boeing 737 MAX accidents has identified several areas that must change to improve outcomes, FAA Administrator Steve Dickson said.
Business Aviation

By Bill Carey, Michael Bruno
Acknowledged as a drone industry pioneer, the Canadian company has gone public after taking a back seat to Chinese competitors.

A coalition of general aviation groups is opposing three pieces of proposed federal legislation it says would restrict general aviation’s access to airspace and undermine the Airline Deregulation Act.
Business Aviation

If you fly an aircraft with TKS, be aware that replacement of the system's panels after maintenance requires extreme care.
Business Aviation

The rest and duty rules for Part 135 are complex in part because a pilot cannot rely on the regulations alone.
Business Aviation

There comes a time when every person simply needs help, but asking for a hand can be difficult for some. This happened to an experienced older Cessna 500 pilot.
Business Aviation

By William Garvey, Jessica A. Salerno, Molly McMillin
A Scottish Fatal Accident Inquiry into the Nov. 29, 2013, helicopter crash that killed 10 people in Glasgow has concluded the pilot ignored low-fuel warnings.
Business Aviation

By Patrick Veillette, Ph.D.
A professional pilot must know an aircraft’s aerodynamic limitations in all phases of flight and be familiar with conditions that cause instruments to display misleading information.
Business Aviation

If your aircraft has wing-mounted propellers, you might wonder if the airflow behind them has any influence on the wing's aerodynamics. The simple answer is yes, most definitely.
Business Aviation

A wing's true angle of attack is unknown; it can only be estimated by a measuring device on the airplane that has inherent errors that must be addressed.
Business Aviation

Rick Larsen (D-Wash.), chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Aviation, said lawmakers are waiting to get a 290-vote supermajority before bringing to the House floor a bill that would fund the FAA during future government shutdowns.
Business Aviation

By Sean Broderick, Steve Trimble
The unprecedented and ongoing examination of aircraft certification triggered by the two Boeing 737 MAX accidents has identified several areas that must change to improve outcomes, FAA Administrator Steve Dickson said.
Business Aviation