BA’s New SAF Deal Lets Passengers Contribute Directly For Greener Fuel

British Airways special-liveried Airbus A320neo
British Airways unveiled a special-liveried Airbus A320neo on Sept. 7 to launch its BA Better World sustainability initiative.
Credit: Victoria Moores
British Airways (BA) has arranged a deal with Air BP to purchase its sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) on a basis that assumes some corporate customers and individual passengers will help pay for the greener but more expensive SAF. Passengers are already able to voluntarily offset their BA emissions...
Victoria Moores

Victoria Moores joined Air Transport World as our London-based European Editor/Bureau Chief on 18 June 2012. Victoria has nearly 20 years’ aviation industry experience, spanning airline ground operations, analytical, journalism and communications roles.

BA’s New SAF Deal Lets Passengers Contribute Directly For Greener Fuel is part of our Air Transport World subscription.

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