Optimizing Engines Through the Lifecycle


Mar 24, 2016
Next up: capturing and analyzing live data streams.
Feb 17, 2016
GE Aviation now has a fully operational on-wing support base of operations in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to better serve operators in the Latin American region. The operation is certified with the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the ANAC (the Brazilian Airworthiness Organization) – and looking to add certifications from additional countries such as Chile, Argentina and Panama.
Feb 16, 2016
General Electric will invest $110 million in the company’s Singapore-based engine component repair facilities.
Feb 11, 2016
Forecasters are predicting a substantial increase in airline passenger traffic in the coming years. This will, in turn, increase the pressure on the regional airlines to maintain flight schedules.
Jan 29, 2016
New GE90 deliveries may be slowing soon, but the aftermarket is just now picking up steam.
Jan 20, 2016
If you’re an operator looking to get in front of cold weather systems this winter, here are 5 tips to help ensure that your GE CF34 or CFM56* powered aircraft is ready for winter
Jan 12, 2016
An engine configuration assessment (meeting Engine Manual specifications), exhaustive part records review, and an accident and incident statement search are three of the major areas to address to ensure a quality used life-limited part (LLP)
Jan 07, 2016
Expect to see more engine MRO expenditures in 2016—led by CFM56-7 and V2500-A5 shop visits.