Latest News & Analysis

Oct 13, 2020
Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy’s remarks during a keynote speech at the Association of the U.S. Army’s virtual annual meeting appear to confirm the previously unannounced accuracy results from the Flight Experiment (FE)-2 test.
Oct 07, 2020
The Army’s next scout aircraft will be an air-launched effect that could enter service six years before the FARA.
Oct 06, 2020
Interservice Roles Dispute Erupts As Army Defines Vision For Long-Range Targeting
Oct 05, 2020
An inside look into the U.S. Army’s radical experiment, Project Convergence, a sensor-to-shooter demonstration.
Oct 04, 2016
The Association of the U.S. Army’s exposition kicked off in Washington this week, luring battle tank and sniper rifle fans by the thousands from across the country.