Western Industry Strives To Curb Dependence On Russian Titanium

technician at landing gear
Typically used for landing gears and engine pylons, titanium supply has become a concern.
Credit: Mark Wagner/Aviation-Images
Russia is selling titanium to the European aerospace industry—that harsh reality is made possible by the absence of EU sanctions on the material, which is critical to aircraft construction. European aerospace players see the situation as volatile and, despite some titanium inventory on the continent...
Thierry Dubois

Thierry Dubois has specialized in aerospace journalism since 1997. An engineer in fluid dynamics from Toulouse-based Enseeiht, he covers the French commercial aviation, defense and space industries. His expertise extends to all things technology in Europe. Thierry is also the editor-in-chief of Aviation Week’s ShowNews. 

Guy Norris

Guy is a Senior Editor for Aviation Week, covering technology and propulsion. He is based in Colorado Springs.

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