Video: EBACE 2024 - Embracing A Greener Future For Business Aviation

Aviation Week Network’s associate editor, Jeremy Kariuki, discussed sustainability as one of the main topics at EBACE 2024. The business aviation industry is working towards achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 through initiatives such as sustainability aviation fuel (SAF), carbon offsetting, and new technologies. The NBAA "Climbing. Fast." initiative aims to raise awareness among policymakers, industry leaders, and the public about the industry's efforts towards a sustainable future.

However, there is a lingering question of whether the industry is progressing quickly enough. During the event, a group of young business aviation professionals introduced a new initiative called "Standards & Training for Aviation Responsibilities and Sustainability (S.T.A.R.S.)." Developed by the EBAA, this program seeks to integrate people, the planet, and profits when formulating sustainable operation strategies. Sebastian Lacube, chief scientific officer at Azzera, who presented the program at EBACE 2024, shared insights about it in an interview with Aviation Week Network. You can watch the video to hear what Sebastian Lacube had to say.

EBACE 2024

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