Lockheed Martin Unveils LMXT Design For Bridge Tanker

Lockheed Martin's Bridge Tanker
Credit: Lockheed Martin
Fifty-nine thousand pounds has emerged as a possibly deal-breaking difference in a brewing competition between the Boeing KC-46 and the newly unveiled Lockheed Martin LMXT tanker proposal for the U.S. Air Force’s “bridge tanker” contract. The LMXT, a new version of the Airbus A330 Multi-Role Tanker...
Steve Trimble

Steve covers military aviation, missiles and space for the Aviation Week Network, based in Washington DC.

Brian Everstine

Brian Everstine is the Pentagon Editor for Aviation Week, based in Washington, D.C. Before joining Aviation Week in August 2021, he covered the Pentagon for Air Force Magazine. Brian began covering defense aviation in 2011 as a reporter for Military Times.

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