U.S. Air Force Plans $3 Billion Mobility Fleet Makeover

aircraft in flight
At least 179 KC-46As and 300 KC-135R/Ts will need upgrades to perform existing and new roles planned after 2028.
Credit: Christopher Okula/U.S. Air Force
A mobility fleet and logistics system that the U.S. Air Force regards as vulnerable and underutilized is about to receive a potential $3 billion makeover. To address the underutilization, the Air Force will modify a fleet designed for two missions—airlift and air refueling—to perform a third...
Steve Trimble

Steve covers military aviation, missiles and space for the Aviation Week Network, based in Washington DC.

U.S. Air Force Plans $3 Billion Mobility Fleet Makeover is available to both Aviation Week & Space Technology and AWIN subscribers.

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