KF-X Radar Prototype Close To Ground Testing

transit-receive module
LIG Nex1 blocks of TRMs from Phase C (left) and Phase D (right). They are about the size of a business card. The Phase C block is deeper.
Credit: Bradley Perrett/AW&ST
Radar development for the Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) KF-X fighter is moving toward production of a prototype, following evaluation of a technology demonstrator in Israel and South Korea. The program, led by the government’s Agency for Defense Development (ADD), is planning to ground-test the...
Kim Minseok

Kim Minseok covers South Korean defense. He has worked as a journalist for South Korean military magazines Military Review and Defense Times. Mr Kim is also a research fellow at the Korea Defense and Security Forum, a think tank.

Bradley Perrett

Bradley Perrett covered China, Japan, South Korea and Australia. He is a Mandarin-speaking Australian.

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