Latest South Korean Ballistic Missile Hurls Hefty Warhead

Hyunmoo 2C missile
The Hyunmoo 2C (pictured) was test-flown in 2017.
Credit: South Korean Ministry of National Defense
A range of 800 km (500 mi.) looks pretty handy for a South Korean surface-to-surface weapon. And it happens to be the range of the country’s most recently reported ballistic missile—enough to reach all targets in North Korea from positions respectfully distant from the border. The new weapon, the...
Kim Minseok

Kim Minseok covers South Korean defense. He has worked as a journalist for South Korean military magazines Military Review and Defense Times. Mr Kim is also a research fellow at the Korea Defense and Security Forum, a think tank.

Bradley Perrett

Bradley Perrett covered China, Japan, South Korea and Australia. He is a Mandarin-speaking Australian.

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