
By Michael Bruno
Digits over widgets and don’t overlook the backlog. In the latest Aviation Week Check 6 Podcast with Accenture, we talk about the trends and forecasts ahead of the Paris airshow this month.
Check 6 with Accenture

Sponsored by Dassault Systèmes
Turn your Manufacturing 4.0 ideas into action. Want insight into ways a digital factory floor and robotics can transform your manufacturing? Hear from a supplier, a robotics expert and additive manufacturing strategist in this new video.
Knowledge Center

Sponsored by Stratasys
The FDM process offers several material options, from ASA to Nylon 12, each has attributes that make it suitable for a variety of lightweight structural applications.
Knowledge Center

Alex Derber
After more than 40 years in service, the CFM56 will see an MRO bow wave
Optimizing Engines Through the Lifecycle

GE Aviation

GE created an "In the Wild" video series that explores the many groundbreaking technologies the company introduces.

GE Aviation

GE is in the process of implementing a fourth generation of carbon fiber composite fan blades with the GE9X high bypass turbofan engine for the new 777X.

By Joe Anselmo
In January, 1927, Capt. Charles Lindbergh sent a telegram to this magazine asking about the terms of the Raymond Orteig prize. The prize, proffered in 1919, offered $25,000 for the first nonstop aircraft flight between New York and Paris.
Air Transport

By Henry Canaday
Makino has been concentrating on making machines much smarter and more efficient.

Brilliant Factories will analyze data to make plants smarter, using sensors, digital design and optimization of production and supply chains.

By Henry Canaday
Working with the website OneAero-MRO, ReserveParts will let tear-down firms post part lists as soon as an aircraft is purchased and destined for disassembly.

By Henry Canaday
All operators can benefit from the best tail-planning models. But the business case is easily justified when a fleet reaches 40 aircraft.

Sponsored by IFS
Given the numbers of aircraft in service today, the competitive profit margins, extensive regulatory frameworks, and how critical passenger safety is, Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) has now evolved to become a major market within the aviation industry

Sponsored by IFS
Digital transformation is revolutionizing aerospace, changing its ecosystem to one that’s increasingly marked by growing speed and agility, greater integration and with transparency at every point of the supply/support chain.

Sponsored by IFS
The pressing need to optimize scheduling and maintenance in the fast-growing civil aviation market

UPSers from Louisville, Kentucky and Anchorage, Alaska spent two weeks at the GE Aviation Customer Technical Education Center (CTEC) in Springdale, Ohio.

GE Aviation
Five and a half years after entry into service of its first GEnx-2B-powered Boeing 747-8F, Cargolux became the first operator worldwide to fly one million hours with this engine and remains GE’s GEnx fleet leader in total operating hours.
Optimizing Engines Through the Lifecycle

GE Aviation (China) Repair Technology Development Center held its grand opening ceremony in the Lingang Industrial Park in Shanghai on March 28.
Optimizing Engines Through the Lifecycle

Sponsored by Stratasys
Additively manufactured composites offer advantages that include greater design flexibility, decreased costs and production efficiency. Download the e-book to learn how additive manufacturing enables a new era of lightweight structures with degrees of geometric complexity, part consolidation, and design optimization not previously possible.
Knowledge Center

U.S. Air Force F-35s arrived at RAF Lakenheath, UK, on Saturday, marking the F-35A’s first overseas deployment.

Aircraft & Propulsion

Sponsored by IFS
When it comes to selecting Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software for asset-intensive industries such as aerospace & defense (A&D), it is important to select the right solution for your organization.

Sponsored by IFS
Over 70% of the whole-life costs of complex equipment is incurred in in-service support. Reducing support costs, enabling Contracting for Availability (CfA) and Class Output Management (COM) while also increasing operational output, require intelligent and predictive support solutions.

Sponsored by IFS
A leading provider of shipbuilding, Vigor Industrial uses IFS Applications to manage all of its operational activity, including customer work, materials and subcontractors, payments, inventory management, equipment maintenance and general ledger entries.

Sponsored by Dassault Systèmes
Aircraft, aircraft completions, and the aftermarket business drive significant revenue for Aerospace and Defense manufacturers.
Knowledge Center

Sponsored by Stratasys
Making jigs and fixtures using additive manufacturing provides dramatic cost savings compared to conventional machining. But the savings involve more than how the tools are made.
Knowledge Center

Vipit Agrawal, technical vice president of PTC, says high-velocity aircraft maintenance is very valuable and eminently achievable.