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Air Transport & MRO

Sep 30, 2019
日本航空(JAL)已经完成了使用虚拟现实(VR)技术对E-170和E-190飞机维修工程师的培训试验。 Japan Airlines (JAL) has completed a trial for using virtual reality (VR) to train its maintenance engineers on Embraer E170 and E190 aircraft.
Sep 30, 2019
日本拥有成熟的航空市场,主要的航空公司有日航(JAL)和全日空(ANA)。相对其航空市场,日本的MRO行业发展较差,但目前情况正在发生变化。 Japan is home to a mature aviation market with major airlines Japan Airlines and All Nippon Airways, but its MRO industry is less developed—but that’s changing.
Sep 27, 2019
喷气飞机的燃油价格从2016年初开始上涨,尽管仍比2000年代初低了40%以上。但是,航空工业内部很少有人对油价进一步上涨感到惊讶,反而会对中龄飞机和发动机市场能否持久增长产生疑问。 Jet fuel prices have trended upward since early 2016, although they are still about 40% lower than during the early part of this decade. However, few within the industry would be surprised by further increases, which raises questions about whether growth in the midlife aircraft and engine market can be sustained.
Sep 25, 2019
维护、维修与大修(MRO)供应商、原始设备制造商(OEM)和学校都看到了利用先进模拟技术训练技师的潜在效益。 MRO providers, OEMs and schools all see potential benefits to using advanced simulation technologies to train technicians.
Sep 22, 2019
减少非计划内维修会带来好处,但增加对传感器数据的依赖可能会产生负面影响。 Fewer unscheduled events provides a benefit but increasing reliance on sensor data can have negative consequences.
Sep 22, 2019
航空公司承受成熟的发动机售后市场支持带来的负担。 Airlines bear burden on mature engines aftermarket support.
Sep 19, 2019
航空公司应该立即考虑网络安全保护措施! Cybersecurity protection measures aviation companies should think about: now.
Sep 16, 2019
混合现实技术在MRO领域的大规模部署可能很快就会实现。 Large deployments of Mixed Reality in MRO could come quite soon.

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