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We know of the existing ADS-B Out mandates in the U.S., Europe and Australia. Is there a bigger list of countries that will adopt ADS-B Out as a mandate?
Senior Business and Commercial Aviation Editor Bill Carey responds:
The Single European Sky ATM Research Deployment Manager (SESAR DM) features a global map of automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B) mandates at ads-b-europe.eu/
In addition to Australia, Europe and the U.S., ADS-B mandates are in effect in Colombia, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, South Africa, Taiwan and Vietnam. Regulatory activity is ongoing in Canada, China and Saudi Arabia.
Nav Canada started using ADS-B in 2009 over the Hudson Bay, where ADS-B Out is required to receive surveillance-based separation services from air traffic control. Canada is phasing in its ADS-B Out mandate beginning with high-level Class A airspace. Canada’s mandate will differ from the U.S.’ in that operators must equip their aircraft with 1090-MHz extended squitter (1090ES) transponders and both top- and bottom-mounted antennas to facilitate data reception by Aireon satellite-based receivers. The FAA allows operators to use either 1090ES transponders or 978 MHz universal access transceivers below 18,000 ft.
In response to an inquiry, Nav Canada stated: “There is no equipage mandate for ADS-B in Canadian airspace at this time. Nav Canada is in the last stages of adding ADS-B to our surveillance sources everywhere in Canada. Nav Canada and Transport Canada continue to work together on regulatory changes and equipment certification. As we continue to work with Transport Canada to establish mandates for Class A, B, C, D and E airspaces, it is anticipated that ADS-B equipage will be mandated in Canadian airspace in a phased approach over the course of the next few years.”