Saluting Long-Time Business Aviation Leader Dick Van Gemert

Dick Van Gemert

He had an extraordinary ability to identify a problem, conceive a way to rectify or avoid it, and assemble the necessary tools, people and capital to execute.

The Christmas card wished us “all things joyful,” but the handwritten message below canceled any chance of that. “Just got home from 10 days in hospital, 3rd time, and 10 days in rehab,” the careful block letters informed. “In Apr my pathology went wacko and I was diagnosed with a rare blood...
William Garvey

Bill was Editor-in-Chief of Business & Commercial Aviation from 2000 to 2020. During his stewardship, the monthly magazine received scores of awards for editorial excellence.

Saluting Long-Time Business Aviation Leader Dick Van Gemert is available to both Aviation Week & Space Technology and AWIN subscribers.

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