Mal Gormley



Mal Gormley
By Nawal K. Taneja Ashgate Publishing 197 pp., Hardcover, $79.95

By Mal Gormley
Pilots have dreamed of a day when they could receive the same kind of weather information in the cockpit as they could obtain on the ground, in real time. That day has arrived.
Air Transport

Mal Gormley
STANDARD ATR CASE DIMENSIONS ATR Size Approx. Vol. W L1 In3 Liter .03 In .76 mm .04 In 1.0 mm Dwarf 95 1.56 2.25 57.15 12.52 318.0 1/4 Short 215 3.52 2.25 57.15 12.52 318.0 1/4 Long 335 5.49 2.25 57.15 19.52 495.8 3/8 Short 340 5.57 3.56 90.41 12.52 318.0